A Baker Made a 300-Pound Wearable Cake Dress and Set a New World Record

year ago

A baker from Switzerland has set a world record by creating the world’s largest wearable cake dress. Natasha Coline Kim Fah Lee Fokas demonstrated her creation at an exhibition in Bern. Her Instagram video has received 1.3 million views. And when one of the users wrote, “Where’s the cake?” The answer was, “She’s wearing it.”

A girl deftly put on this dress weighing 290 pounds and wore it in front of the exhibition participants. A Guinness World Records official posted the video on his social media page and wrote, “Largest wearable cake dress 131.15 kg (289 lbs 13 oz) by Natasha Coline Kim fah Lee Fokas, SweetyCakes GmbH.”

Thus, the baker broke a previously set record — a cake dress that weighed 150 pounds. Altogether the metal support, the dress holder, and the cake weighed 535 pounds. To set the record, the girl was required to walk 15 feet in this dress, and she made it seem easy.

The record-breaking cake was brought out during the finale of a fashion show at the Swiss World Wedding Fair. Afterward, the cake dress was sliced and distributed among the guests who wanted to taste this beautiful and sweet wearable item.


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