Kids Who Grow Up With Pets Are Healthier, According to Research

5 years ago

Several studies have shown that the bacteria in our homes can actually be good for our health. And, as research shows, pets are one of the best ways to introduce microorganisms into your children’s lives. That’s why kids who grow up with dogs have fewer colds and ear infections.

Bright Side was fascinated by the amount of research done in this field and we couldn’t wait to present you with our conclusions.

Pets boost immunity in children.

Numerous factors affect our immune system. In fact, good laughter decreases stress and increases the cells that fight against illnesses. But pets can help too. A recent study has shown that living in the same house with pets improves the function of the immune system. Dogs, for example, expose us to microbes from nature, which strengthens babies’ health.

They can reduce allergies and the risk of getting asthma.

Allergies happen when our immune system overreacts to harmless substances and microorganisms. Most people would think that avoiding pets reduces allergic reactions. However, this is not the case. As it turns out, if your child lives with a pet in their first year of life, they have a lower risk of developing allergies, especially to pets.

Scientists believe that children who grew up next to animals have a lower percentage of asthma, hay fever, or eczema. More proof is found in this study that states that newborns living with cats have a lower risk of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

People with pets are more fit.

Having a pet — especially a dog — provides numerous chances for exercise. Whether it’s just walking or playing in the backyard, moving around is an excellent way to keep your children entertained and healthy. A study tested more than 2,000 people and those who walked with a dog regularly were more likely to have a high fitness quotient.

So, if you want your children to get more exercise daily, getting a pet could be the perfect solution.

They provide stress relief.

Even the youngest members of our society go through everyday stress. But, unlike adults, they don’t always know how to deal with it. Pets seem to be an adequate solution here as well. Contact with them reduces cortisol, a stress hormone, according to this study. That’s why pets are often used in therapy.

Pets improve social skills in children with autism.

Parents whose children have ASD know how hard it is for them in social situations. However, with pets, autistic children feel safe. As one study has shown, autistic children laugh and talk more with their peers when animals are present. In this case, guinea pigs were present, but several ASD animal-assisted therapy programs have been launched and they involved numerous species.

What do you think about having pets around your children? Do you think they can help your kids be healthier? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Please note: This article was updated in April 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit jon1045 / imgur


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I have always had pets while I grew up. It's even hard to imagine how it feels without my fluffy little friends at home


Having pets taught me how to be responsible, I cared about them and started taking care about my friends and family more after it


My parents didn't like pet at home but I'll sure have a dog when I have a kid. I've read amazing things about kids growing up with pets but never this kind of information. Thank you BS


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