15 Celebrity Statues That Didn’t Go Well

year ago

Crafting a sculpture that accurately captures the likeness of a person can be a challenging task, but some artists have succeeded in creating pieces that are admired by millions worldwide. However, at times, attempts to immortalize a celebrity’s legacy can result in unintentionally comical representations. Here are a few examples of celebrity statues that are sure to bring a smile to your face.

1. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/East News, Mary Evans/Allstar/Graham Whitby Boot/East News

2. Angelina Jolie

© Lara Croft: Tomb Raider / Paramount Pictures and co-producers, Mary Evans/Allstar/Graham Whitby Boot./ East News

3. John Travolta and Uma Thurman

© Pulp Fiction / Miramax and co-producers, Allstar/Graham Whitby Boot./Mary Evans Picture Library/East News

4. Superman

© Superman IV: The Quest for Peace / Cannon Films and co-producers, Allstar/Graham Whitby Boot/Mary Evans Picture Library/East News

5. Russell Crowe

© Gladiator / Dreamworks Pictures and co-producers, Mary Evans/Allstar/Graham Whitby Boot/ East News

6. Princess Diana

UPPA/Photoshot/REPORTER/East News, © ewastudio / Depositphotos.com

7. Kendall Jenner

8. Justin Bieber

9. Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe)

10. Marilyn Monroe

11. Lady Gaga

0000001/Reporter/East News, © Yuri Turkov / Shutterstock.com

12. Madonna

Derek Storm/Everett Collection/ East News, © Gabriela Beres / Shutterstock.com

13. Pamela Anderson

Andy Kropa/Invision/AP/East News, © Maria Spb / Shutterstock.com

14. Leonardo DiCaprio

Invision/Invision/East News, © gracethang2 / Shutterstock.com

15. Ryan Gosling

Borja B Hojas/AlterPhotos/ABACA/EAST NEWS, © Anton_Ivanov / Shutterstock.com
Preview photo credit Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/East News, Mary Evans/Allstar/Graham Whitby Boot/East News


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