20+ Waiters Talk About the Most Awkward Dates They Witnessed Firsthand

Miss Universe was first founded back in 1952 as a marketing stunt by a California-based company which, through the years, became one of the most-watched pageants in the world. So far, there have been 68 Miss Universe winners. Out of those, the Miss Universe of 1997 (point 6 in this article) was the oldest among them, and the winner of 2001 (point 7 in our article here) managed to get a role in Aquaman.
By comparing the winners of Miss Universe, we can see that through the years the beauty standards have changed both for body types and looks. That’s why we at Bright Side prepared a glimpse for you into how beauty perception evolved over the past few decades.
In which way do you think the perception of beauty has changed the most? Which winner is your all-time favorite?