20 People Who Look So Much Like Celebrities That You Cannot Tell the Difference
We might want to be unique in this world, but it actually happens sometimes that you’re walking down the street or at the supermarket and you suddenly find someone that looks very similar to you. In the case of celebrities, a lot of people try to imitate their looks, so it’s more common to see resemblances in their world. But at other times, celebrity doppelgängers look and act like celebrities without even trying.
So Bright Side looked into these uncanny resemblances and compiled a bunch of pictures of common people who share physical traits with celebrities. Look closely at them and see if you can spot the differences... You might be surprised at how hard it is in most cases.
1. Kate Moss
2. Michael Fassbender
3. Angelina Jolie
4. Andrew Lincoln
5. Blake Lively
6. Robbie Williams
7. Shakira
8. Colin Farrell
9. Bryan Cranston
10. Emma Watson
11. Kit Harington
12. Bruce Willis
13. Selena Gomez
14. Ed Sheeran
15. Maisie Williams
16. Britney Spears
17. James Franco
18. Gal Gadot
19. Álvaro Morte
20. Rihanna
According to you, which of these people look more like their respective celebrity? Do you know anyone who looks like a celebrity? Let us know in the comments and post a picture of them if you can!
Gal Gadot 0 alike
I actually can't tell who is Shakira and who is not... someone help
I don't really think the rihanna ones look similar, but she still looks really good!

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