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Keeping a good physical shape is extremely difficult — especially after a certain age. But we have found out how women manage to do it! They maintain a high level of discipline and internal harmony, all in the name of beauty and health.
Today at Bright Side we have decided to share photos of these women with you. They are in great shape, and they deserve our respect. We invite you to take a look at them. They will inspire you to make some changes in your lifestyle.
Yolanda, mother of the famous Gigi and Bella Hadid, has had a very difficult life. Among the troubles that she’s faced are a few illnesses, a really hard divorce, and a tough childhood. However, despite all of this, Yolanda manages to find harmony with the world. She loves horseriding, snowboarding, and yoga.
Sharron Davis is an Olympic swimming champion, and she won a silver medal in 1980.
“I often hear that with age the metabolism slows down. For me personally, it’s like what was first — the chicken or the egg? If you change your lifestyle and live a passive life, then your metabolism will naturally slow down. Stay active, and move a lot. You’ll be fine.”
“This idea that being youthful is the only thing that’s beautiful or attractive simply isn’t true. I don’t want to be an ’ageless beauty. I want to be a woman who is the best I can be at my age.’” This is what Sharon Stone has said about aging. And she has a very simple morning routine, since as she says “I don’t do much in the morning. I wash my face with water and brush my teeth.”
“I feel the same. I’m a glass half-full person. My thinking is, ’Just be as young as you possibly can be. I think having good skin is really the secret to not aging your face,’” Seymour has said. “Using retinol at night, protecting yourself from the sun, using the great skin-care that plumps your skin and pretty much anything that makes me feel healthy is the best anti-aging secret I know.”
“I tried some pretty weird diets in the beginning ... everything from juice fasting to eating one kind of food at a time, to eating a grapefruit first before everything,” she explained to NY Mag. “The only thing that really lasts is a well-balanced diet,” says Christie in her interview.
When Susan Lucci is asked questions about the proverbial youth secrets, she answers, “I’ve been doing pilates for about 18 years, and I do that religiously. I could do it in my apartment in Atlanta. I could do in it my hotel room. I could do it at home. At home I have more equipment.”
Which of these women amazed you the most? Do you think you would be able to do the same? Tell us what you think in the comment section below!