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Many people dream of becoming great movie stars. They want to be famous and have lots of money, just like their heroes do. However, we often forget that behind every big shot in Hollywood, there’s an actual human that had to do many sacrifices to get there. These are stories of effort, discipline, and patience.
Bright Side loves stories that teach us that dreams can come true. Tobey Maguire’s is one of them. He went from a complicated childhood to a Hollywood star.
It was 1975 when Tobias Vincent Maguire, better known as Tobey Maguire, was born. His parents were fairly young and were just building a life for themselves. His 18-year-old mother, Wendy Brown, worked in advertising and was trying to become an actress, while his 20-year-old father, Vincent Maguire, was a cook and worked in construction. When Tobey was two years old, his parents divorced.
This made his life a little more complicated than usual. As the actor recalled in an interview: “I always had a roof over my head, but I slept on the couches of relatives, and some nights we wandered around a shelter. My family had food stamps and government health insurance. I wanted to get out of that, so my ambition initially was to earn money.”
Clearly, his primary drive was money, and that made him think about following in his father’s footsteps. Becoming a chef would possibly be the quickest solution to financial problems; however, his mom convinced him to start taking acting classes. She gave him a hundred dollars to do so, and that would change Tobey’s life forever.
He was 12 years old when he started his acting classes and as a result, he appeared in a few ads. He would later have small appearances in television series. But for him, being successful is more than just waiting for doors to open. “It’s not just about the opportunities out there, it’s about the attitudes. It’s about your ability to imagine a different future for yourself,” the actor said.
And when you have to live thinking about how to get through each day, you just put too much energy into that. Maguire explained: “It’s about having your brain space occupied by worrying about what I’m going to eat or how I’m going to pay rent, which is something I have contended with in life. Once you’re not having to worry about that on a day-to-day basis, it allows you space to think about other things.”
As time went on, Tobey built a solid career in show business. He managed to appear with Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio in 1993’s This Boy’s Life. In 1997, he was part of the cast for The Ice Storm, while in 2000 he starred in Wonder Boys, alongside Michael Douglas and Robert Downy Jr.
The difficulties of his early career were now a thing of the past. “That’s how I see things. Your imagination is not tied to reality, infrastructure or statistics. I think our lives are a product of our imagination,” confessed the actor.
Life as Tobey Maguire knew it changed in 2002 when before the eyes of the world he became Spider-Man, a movie that paid him four million dollars. In 2003, he recorded Seabiscuit for which he received twelve million dollars more.
“When I first became successful, I was very conservative with my money. That definitely stems from my background. You know those lottery winners who win big and then spend all the money? That wouldn’t happen to me. I never wanted to be in the position where my expenses were so big that I had to keep making movie after movie,” the actor revealed.
There is no doubt about how important Peter Parker was in Tobey’s life. He is the highest-paid actor ever to play the web-slinging hero. He earned $17.5 million, plus 5% of the box office for Spider-Man 2; and $15 million, plus 7.5% of the box office for the third installment. That’s enough to take a long vacation!
But to be successful, it’s not enough to dream about it. You need to work to go after it, that’s why the actor felt that to pursue his dreams he was able to flow like water by adapting to new circumstances. “If there is something I really want, I find a strategy and work towards it until I get it, no matter what the odds,” Maguire said.
In 2021, we saw Tobey Maguire’s return to the Marvel multiverse as Spider-Man in Spider-Man, No Way Home. However, the actor has played other characters that required physical changes from him and histrionic abilities that speak of his professionalism on set. On the other hand, veganism and the practice of yoga speak of his commitment to himself.
Babylon will premiere in 2023, where we will see Charles Chaplin played by Tobey, the same one who took acting classes at 12 years old and eventually taught us that when you want something with all your heart and work to get it, life will most likely end up rewarding you.
What is that dream you have yet to fulfill? What would you be willing to do for it?
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