I feel the app is almost accurate.we can’t judge it only by working it on one picture. At least a dozen pictures of the same person should be worked on and then compared with their older self.
I tried it with a few pictures of my grandma ( in her 30s) and then compared the results with her recent picture. They are almost alike.
Will We Grow Old the Way FaceApp Predicts It? Let’s Check It With Celebrities
The application with photo filters known as FaceApp is going through its “Renaissance” stage. Within the 10 days of its unexpectedly returned popularity, the entire internet became filled with photos of elderly people with the #faceapp hashtag, earning its creators $1 million bucks!
We at Bright Side decided to check how reliable the aging mechanism is and edited younger photos of now-elderly celebrities to compare them with their actual real-time shots. At the end of the article, there is a bonus waiting for you: a video that will reveal the principles of how this famous program works.
Al Pacino
Robert De Niro
Anthony Hopkins
Meryl Streep
Helen Mirren
Maggie Smith
Tom Hanks
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Jack Nicholson
Eddie Murphy
Tommy Lee Jones
Dustin Hoffman
Frances McDormand
Bonus: A video that describes the principles of how FaceApp works
What do you think the mass addiction of using filters will lead us to? We’d be glad to hear from you in the comments!
some of them are actually predicted almost accurate, some of them don't even match with the reality
I tried this app too. It's pretty funny though I think it's incorrect. Just for the entertainment, nothing more
I think the only differences are weight gain, hair color and loss of hair that cant be predicted. Everything else is amazingly correct!

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