This one time we went in a club with friends and we met a girl who was nice and I liked her immediately. After one hour she went to use the bathroom and a creepy guy from across the bar followed her inside the restrooms. I followed them and waited until my new girlfriend used the bathroom and left. Needless to say that the creepy guy had a very disappointed look.
Woman Shares a Thank You Note to a Guy Who Reads ’Her Body Language’ and Saves Her
A survey says that 61% of women take measures to stay safe in public, and approximately 50% are scared of walking home at night. However, we’re not completely alone out there, and we mean that in the best possible sense. Sometimes help in a dire situation can come from a complete stranger, and our story will prove exactly that.
Bright Side has proof that there are still plenty of good people out there who are willing to come to the rescue of others.
A Reddit user shared her experience with a stalker on a subway. She said a sketchy looking guy stood right behind her for 6 minutes while waiting for the train and made unwanted advances at her, calling her “baby” and unsettling her in general. He followed her into the train and stayed close, which triggered the woman’s anxiety to the max.
The woman couldn’t sit still and got up to blend in with a crowd, hoping the guy would leave her alone, but then a miracle happened. Another man turned to her and asked: “Hey Lauren. You going to Jeff’s dinner party too?” Her name wasn’t Lauren and she had no idea who this man was.
After about 10 seconds she realized what he was doing and started playing along. He then continued to act friendly and suggested they get off at the same station and walk to “the party” together. But his kindness didn’t end there.
The concerned man pretended that he received a text and showed it to the distressed woman. Turned out, he had written a note on his phone, asking if she was in danger. She discretely revealed that a creepy guy was following her. The man then decided to keep her company so that she felt safe. He even walked her to her friend’s place, even though he was supposed to get off at a completely different station.
The woman says her stalker quickly left after seeing her with the man, whom she now considers her “guardian angel.”
Bonus: Women share safety tips they rely on daily.
Other women on Reddit also know you can’t be over prepared when trying to stay safe out there. Luckily, they’ve come up with brilliant tips that can keep you get out of danger on the street.
Do you have any safety tips of your own? Share with us how you protect yourself out there.
What if the second man was a friend of the first man and they played it for the second man to impress the girl?
In the UK, Sheffield at least, there is a thing called 'ask for Angela' at bars pubs clubs ect. if you feel at risk, your date isn't seeming right - you get the idea. Ask for Aid/Angela
What kind of world do we even live in where you need to worry about this stuff.. some people are just.. eugh
hey, at least this guy shows that there are still some good people in this world too ^_^

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