Test: Can You Guess the Character Just by Looking at Their Clothes?

3 years ago

When you think about your favorite movie character, several things come to mind: their physical appearance, their voice, their gestures, and also their clothes. Fashion and wardrobe are essential when creating a character. For example, think about the first thing you do, for instance, on Halloween, when you want to look like a famous character. Before even thinking about wearing a mask, you actually figure out how to dress up like that character!

So taking that into account, Bright Side thought it could be fun to conduct a little test to see how sharp your visual memory is. We made a compilation with some of the most famous costumes in the movie industry and covered the actors’ faces. Let’s see if you can guess the character in the photo just by looking at their clothes!


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And you, what movie character do you relate directly to a certain outfit? Share this test with your friends to see which of you knows more about movies and has the sharpest eye of the bunch.

Preview photo credit Paramount Pictures


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