10+ Kids Who Made Parents Laugh Hard and Cry Harder

Family & kids
4 months ago

Ah, kids. One minute they’re charming you with their wit, the next they’re reminding you why you never bought white furniture. If you’re not laughing, you’re probably cleaning something up. Get ready for a front-row seat to the chaos—we’ve gathered a gallery of kid moments that are either hilarious or slightly terrifying.

1. “The one and only time I forgot to put up the baby gate before I showered.”

2. “I come home from work to my purple son, painted by my daughter.”

3. “7-year-old girls really know how to hit you where it hurts.”

4. “We got these bathroom doors because we thought they were trendy. That was before we had a toddler.”

5. “Me as a kid, learning not to mess with pelicans. To this day, my favorite photo.”

6. “My daughter found the diaper cream.”

7. “Our Airbnb had a translucent bathroom door. I’m used to my impatient toddler stalking me through the bathroom door, but this took it to a much creepier level.”

8. “I am a lawyer; my son told me he had to tell me something, but first wanted me to sign this.”

9. “I found a photo of myself when I was 9...”

10. “My husband left the Nesquik out...”

11. “My kid did this portrait of me over 10 years ago. I still look the same, IMO.”

12. “My kid sleeps like he fell down in Family Guy.”

13. “’Mum, I’m going to boil an egg to have on toast.’ Me yelling back from the bathroom, ’Just give me a sec & I’ll show...’ ’BOOM.’”

14. “Trying on clothes with a toddler in a nutshell.”

15. “I woke up to my daughter standing over me like this... I’ve never been so proud (or terrified).”

16. “My 3-year-old ’hiding’ while playing hide-and-seek...”

17. “Lost my kid in Target... Found him here.”

As you recover from all the giggles and gasps, don’t forget to seek out even more delightful absurdity. After all, kids are the true masters of unintentional humor, blissfully unaware of just how hilarious they can be.

Preview photo credit goodluck_canuck / Reddit


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