10 People Share Creepy, Real-Life Stories That Will Make You Turn the Lights On

5 months ago

Sometimes, the scariest stories aren’t found in books or movies, they happen in real life. In this article, 10 people share their creepy, real-life encounters that are guaranteed to send chills down your spine. If you’re brave enough, keep reading these tales that will leave you wide awake, heart racing, and double-checking every shadow in the room.


I was alone in the house. An unknown number called me and I heard the TV show I was watching, my voice echoed back. I thought it was a broken call where you hear your mic feedback, but what happened next creeped me out.

Before I put down the call, I heard a voice whispering, “Goodbye... Goodnight.” I stared at the phone, confused of what happened. Then I said hello again. The static and the echo disappeared, it was all quiet then suddenly, “Hi”. I put down the phone, turned off the TV, then ran to bed.

NoojieWoojie / Reddit


You know on cold days inside your car, you can breathe on the window and draw on the glass? I got in my car, and as I look at the windshield, I see a few small baby hands. I thought it was strange someone would let a baby play on my car’s windshield.

I had an urge to touch the baby prince and as I touched it, I wiped away the hand prints. The hand prints were made from the inside of my locked car.

ScootyPufff / Reddit


So I was sleeping, and in the middle of the dream a character of my dream who was doing something turned her head, looked at me very seriously and said, “There’s someone in your apartment, wake up.” My apartment was empty.

Jahonay / Reddit


I sleepwalked when I was a child. Once, I woke up and found myself staring out the window. I noticed a very large and completely hairless man (no hair, eyebrows) staring at me and slowly inching closer to the window and to my face. He was looking bewildered like he wasn’t sure what he was seeing.

I realized what was going on, and I started screaming uncontrollably, frozen in place. The man freaked out and screamed, did a tumbling move, and then ran off in a weird zigzag. My mom woke up and thought I probably had a nightmare. The next morning we found a screwdriver on the front porch and damage to the door jamb and door handle.

issamurcle / Reddit


My colleague used to work in a hospital and would often receive phone calls around 3 AM, but no one would speak at the other end of the receiver. The number was from an extension somewhere in the hospital and when they looked it up, it was from an old morgue nobody has used in a while.

manicpixiechick / Reddit


We had a “computer room” in our house that was at the end of a hallway. So I went down the hall to use the bathroom and I could see the glow from the computer screen dimly lighting up the room. Then it looked like someone walked in front of it and cast a shadow on the wall.

I jumped and then started laughing, “Jeez, you scared me.” I look in and there’s no one in the room. I booked it out of there and avoided that bathroom for weeks.

benneluke / Reddit


I was probably about 16-17 and had just gotten home from school. My brother was in the kitchen, so I started that way. As I passed by his bedroom, I saw my mom in there, sitting on his bed with the lights off, facing away from me and towards the wall. I stopped and stood in the doorway and asked what she was doing.

She said really slowly, “Just sitting. Come here, I need to talk to you.” I took about a half step into the room when I heard my mom yelling for me in the kitchen and then saw her setting the table. I looked back to the bedroom and there was nothing there. I don’t think I ever went back into that room by myself again.

Unknown author / Reddit


My roommate and I lived in a 100+ year old farmhouse. Many strange things happened there, but there is one story I tell the most.

One day we were watching TV in the living room on the main floor. Suddenly, we heard a loud crash of glass breaking and felt the floor shake in the ceiling above us. We both ran upstairs and couldn’t find one thing out of place.

Unknown author / Reddit


Three times in the last year I have had a strong feeling to comment to someone about a part of their body. I’ve not done so because a) they’re people I don’t see often and b) it would be weird. A few weeks after each one of those people were diagnosed with cancer in the part of the body I felt I needed to comment on.

If I get that feeling again, don’t care who it is, I’m gonna say something.

buttonbaggins / Reddit


My mom’s friend had a small house and lived alone. She noticed weird things: a batch of soup depleting faster than usual, missing eggs, damp towels in the hamper when she hadn’t used any, extra dishes in the dishwasher. This went on for months, she thought she was just being forgetful.

One day she heard some thumping around in her attic and went to investigate. She found some make shift living quarters. She called the cops, who came to keep an eye on the place. They ended up catching a homeless man climbing a tree, trying to sneak into her attic window. He had been doing this almost daily. He’d wait for her to go to work, then go downstairs and help himself to food and amenities.

The funny part is they got to know each other throughout the ordeal, and the guy was actually very respectful, just down on his luck. She didn’t press charges, instead, let him move in, helped him get a job, and he lived in the attic until he got back on his feet.

Saganic / Reddit

Most of us had those moments when someone gives us an inexplicable sense of unease. Whether it’s a strange comment, peculiar behavior, or an unsettling presence, certain people have a knack for making us feel like something is off. In this article, we have some more bone-chilling stories that will have you questioning the true nature of the people you come across.

Preview photo credit NoojieWoojie / Reddit


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