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10 Subtle Details in Our Appearance That Can Give Away Our Real Age
We live in an era where taking care of your looks has become not just the norm, but a must. However, many of us often think that only visible parts of the body, like the face, neck, and hands, require special attention. And very few people are concerned about somewhat invisible areas that can reveal our age more easily than we think.
At Bright Side, we decided to talk about unobvious transformations of certain parts of our body that happen as we grow older. We also want to share some tips that can help you slow down the process of aging.
10. Eyelashes
The level of estrogen, which is the hormone responsible for the youth and health of your skin and hair, gradually decreases with age. It affects your eyelashes too — they become shorter, lighter, and more brittle.
How to prevent it:
To avoid this, experts recommend removing eye makeup before going to bed and not using an eyelash curler too often because aggressive curling can damage and even break fragile hairs on the eyelids. If your eyelashes have weakened over time, nourishing conditioners and serums can help to restore their condition.
9. Eyebrows
Our eyebrows become thinner for the same reason, and they lose their shine and color. As a result, they become almost invisible, leaving your eyes looking less expressive.
How to prevent it:
You can return your eyebrows to the way they used to be with the help of available products that can be found at home, or professional beauty procedures. At home, you’ll need a pencil of a suitable shade, a good brush, and a fixing gel. But if you want to correct the situation in a more radical way that has a longer-lasting effect, opt for microblading of the eyebrows. However, before you decide to have this procedure done, you should consult with a dermatologist to avoid possible complications.
8. Hair
Gray hair is one of the most obvious signs of aging. But apart from that, the hair’s thickness and structure also change with age. Hair becomes thinner and lighter, and many follicles stop producing new hairs. As a result, the amount of hair decreases, and the scalp becomes more visible.
How to prevent it:
You can’t turn back time, but you can slow down the aging process of your hair. To do this, choose the right products, don’t forget about moisturizing and nutrition, don’t use too much shampoo, and try to wash your hair at least twice a week.
7. Nose
How to prevent it:
Although this process is completely natural, hardly anyone embraces such changes. But don’t worry, you can correct the shape of your nose without any harmful procedures. Just use simple contouring.
6. Lips
Our lips become thinner with age, and their contours blur. This is because our body begins to produce less collagen. This substance is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin and gives shape to the lips. Ultraviolet light also contributes to this process. It has a detrimental effect on the condition of your skin as a whole.
How to prevent it:
You can protect your lips from the negative effects of the sun with a balm and lipstick that have UV filters. And to return your lips to their fresh look, opt for permanent makeup. However, before you make an appointment for this procedure, carefully study possible side effects and make sure that the specialist has their certification.
5. Pelvis
Studies show that a woman’s pelvis narrows with age. The bones of this body part grow when a woman is still young, but as soon as she reaches the peak of fertility, the process becomes reversed. So the pelvis of a woman over 70 is about 8% narrower than one of a middle-aged woman.
How to prevent it:
Alas, you can’t do anything about it. The only way out is to keep your bones healthy for as long as possible. To do this, you have to revise your diet by eating more fresh vegetables, foods high in protein, and calcium. Regular strength training can also help make your bones stronger.
4. Feet
Age-related changes in hormones make the outermost layer of our skin (stratum corneum) thicker. In addition, the subcutaneous tissue becomes thinner with age. As a result, the skin becomes dry and tight. This is especially true in the area of the feet: the skin becomes rough, flaky, and gets covered in cracks.
How to prevent it:
Use a moisturizer daily to prevent flaking and tightness. As for corns and calluses, a cosmetologist or orthopedist can give you some remedies.
3. Knees
Your knees have to move a lot, so it’s no surprise that the skin on them stretches. In addition to this, the knee muscles and ligaments become weaker with age, which affects the look of the legs and causes pain and discomfort.
How to prevent it:
Unfortunately, it’s impossible to make your knees look younger. But you can prevent their aging by strengthening the muscles with the help of squats, regular walking, and cycling.
2. Armpits

I don't like that she always wears her hair up and pulled away from her face. She looks like an ant. Let you hair flow- j-lo
The area of the armpits can reveal your age too. The skin there is very sensitive and loses its elasticity quite early.
How to prevent it:
Instead of hiding your shoulders under clothes, try to delay the sagging of your underarm skin for as long as possible. Your shoulder area requires the same level of exercise as your abs do. So don’t forget to focus on this area when you work out. To tone your triceps, try doing push-ups and other tricep-building exercises.
1. Pupils
The passage of time can weaken the tiny muscles that control your eyes’ pupil size. The pupil becomes smaller and less responsive to changes in light. That’s why people in their sixties need 3 times more light to read comfortably compared to those in their twenties. Smaller pupils make it more difficult to see at night.
How to prevent it:
Unfortunately, it’s difficult to prevent changes in the inner structures of the eyes. Regular ophthalmological examinations, a proper diet, and maintaining normal blood sugar and blood pressure levels will help you to avoid serious eyesight changes in old age.
Do you think it’s possible to prevent age-related changes with the help of exercise and a proper diet? Or does it require radical measures? Share your opinion in the comments below.
I need a miracle !!
I don't think 6 has natural lips, my mom is the same age and her lips are just normal...
so... basically every body part? 😅
Like it or not, you can't hide your age forever!
Unworthy article by a unworthy content creator. Get some real job and leave women. Stop selling products like this!

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