My Husband Turned Into a Rude Monster Because of My Menstrual Pads, I'm Desperate

Literally 5 seconds ago a little girl asked me “Are you Melissa?” I am a 250-pound bearded man. I am decidedly not Melissa.
twec21 / Reddit
The family went to Olive Garden restaurant. The waitress delivers the obligatory bowl of salad with the salad tongs. I proceed to start mixing up the salad with the tongs. My 4-year-old daughter sits up and stares into the bowl and then looks up at me and asks, “What are you looking for?”
pinheadmaximus / Reddit
Watching Star Wars with my 5 y. o. nephew. Great scene with Darth Sideous sitting in his little chair facing out to space. You can’t see him and all you can see is the chair before he does his big spinning chair reveal.
Sideous says something like, “Ahh Skywalker, I’ve been waiting for you” or something. My nephew turns to me, shrugs his shoulders, and says, “Talking chair”. Don’t know why this caught me but I lost it.
pablo_pogo / Reddit
My 7-year-old son slept on the top bunk of a bed with his brother down below. He’s a bit of a tank and was hitting around 28kgs. One night he asked me to put him to bed, and I said, “Mate, you’re getting really heavy, I’m not sure that I can lift you all the way up that high anymore!”. He looked me straight in the eye and said “Dad, you just need to believe in yourself”.
Unknown author / Reddit
My good friend’s eldest son (12 years old at the time) decided to shave his head in anticipation of the movie Avatar: The Last Airbender coming out. His 3-year-old brother asked for the same, but his parents tried to convince him he shouldn’t.
The 3-year-old cried and was upset, so they decided fine, let’s shave his head. The boys run around, happy as can be. About an hour later, the youngest says, “Okay, Mom, you can put my hair back now.” Had to explain that wasn’t quite how it worked... Whoops.
Beemorriscats / Reddit
My little sister said she was going to get a girl rabbit and it would have lots of baby rabbits. I told her kindly she’d need a boy rabbit as well for that. She just looked at me, offended, and said, “No! There’s such a thing as single parents!”
TheNameILoved / Reddit
I once caught my son peeing in the corner of his room next to the wastebasket and behind a bookshelf. When I asked him why he was doing that when there was a bathroom 10 feet away, he said he was “watering the ants.”
I went over, peeked behind the bookshelf, and found the ants and the half donut he’d swiped and shoved back there. Along with various bits of candy, a slice of bread, and most of a chicken nugget. Apparently, he had seen an ant and decided to cultivate his own little ant farm in his room.
I had a hard time holding it together while explaining to him that the ants would do just fine without feeding them.
southernbelladonna / Reddit
My cousin is an elementary school teacher, a student was sent to her office with a mysterious wad of cash. Apparently, this third grader had been selling imaginary friends to first graders.
abadger / Reddit
When I was younger, my mom, my grandma, and I went to get some ice cream. Being the inattentive little 3-year-old that I was, I let the ice cream fall. My mom bought me another cone, handed it to me carefully, and said, “Keep your eye on your ice cream!” And I did. I face-planted the ice cream.
My little 6-year-old cousin told me that his mom laid an egg and he hatched from it when explaining how he was born.
yehetsohorats / Reddit
Hosting guests can lead to unforgettable moments, sometimes for all the wrong reasons! In this article, people share the times they instantly regretted opening their doors to visitors. Next time, they’ll think twice before inviting anyone over again.