10 People Who Accidentally Met Their Favorite Celebrities and Shared That Joy With the World

6 years ago

Celebrities face mass amounts of attention from their surroundings every day and it’s easy to assume that they get tired of it. Either way, some of them find time to say some warm words to their fans or even help them. In this article, you’ll read about Keanu Reeves who played along with a teenager he met accidentally; and Cara Delevingne who calmed down a crying man in the airport. You’ll even learn about a time James Franco taught a new driver how to fuel up her car.

Bright Side wants to publish some stories posted by online users who were lucky enough to see these celebrities’ good sides.

Keanu Reeves

  • I was in NYC around 2004 when a friend and I saw him and gave him a shout. He actually stopped, thanked us, and spoke to us...about us. He asked what we do and about our goals. I wish I could find the picture, which he insisted on taking. So simple, but an amazing and memorable experience. He really is a good guy, at least from my 1-minute experience. saulmessedupman / reddit

Paul McCartney

  • "I work at Walt Disney World, and my friend was asked to escort him to one of the rides. That friend’s name is Jude. Paul sees his name tag and says, “Is that really your name or did you just wear that for me?” Jude replied, “Yes, that’s my name.” Paul: “Oh, well I guess I should say ’Hey Jude.’” jwilcoxwilcox / reddit

Jim Carrey

  • He was seriously awesome! Nice and wonderful! I never thought he would be cool with making faces with me! But he was totally down! b***achaka / reddit

Robin Williams

  • “I worked at a coffee shop when I was younger, a Starbucks inside a gigantic Chapters store. Robin Williams came in while I was working and I took his order and made his coffee. I was completely starstruck, he was my favorite movie star when I was a kid. I didn’t have much interaction with him — he was courteous, but just after a coffee and something to read. What really struck me was that there were maybe 60 or 70 other people getting coffee or looking at books, and every single one of them was staring at him the entire time he was there. People talk about the price of fame, and it always sounded like an exaggeration to me, but after that, I totally believe it. Imagine never being able to go and do anything without everyone who saw you knowing who you were, and, for them, any interaction you have becomes a story they remember.” DrColossusOfRhodes / reddit

Renée Zellweger

  • “I live in L.A. I joined this group to be a seat filler at award shows. I was able to go to the Hollywood Film Awards. At my table were Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, and Renée Zellweger. And it was amazing. They were all very sweet. Fillers are not allowed to eat the food or drink when it’s served for some odd reason. Renée told me to eat and drink. I explained to her that I couldn’t. She wasn’t having it, so I said why not? 5 minutes later I get a tap saying I had to leave the venue because I was eating. Renée stood up for me and told the person I could stay and that we were having a good time. So, shoutout to her.” NotTheYounglins / reddit

Ed Sheeran

  • “Ed Sheeran. I was 9 or 10, and I got lost at a festival and ended up backstage. He helped me find my family. Very nice man.” Ivythetypicalfander / reddit

James Franco

  • “I met him twice at book signings in NYC. He’s really down to earth but always tired and worn out. Very intelligent and a great public speaker. I’m going to see him on Broadway on Friday and it’s the day before his birthday so I hope to meet him again.” Kerrypies / reddit

Jack Black

  • “I told Jack Black to camp somewhere else when he tried to take over part of my spot in Joshua Tree. His camping party (~20 adults and kids) pulled up en masse, and the 3 spots someone had been illegally holding for them weren’t enough to contain all of their shrieking offspring. He seemed pretty irritated. So were we.” graciewindkloppel / reddit

Natalie Portman

  • I met her when I was in college. She was touring campuses. She spoke for about 5 minutes, then took pictures and signed autographs for maybe 2 hours. She was very down-to-earth and sweet, and much shorter in person than I expected. I think I skipped 2 classes to see her, but it was worth it because I ended up getting a picture with her. storysofar27 / reddit

Tom Holland

  • “I met Tom Holland. I was his Uber driver. I geeked out for a second, initially. He kind of popped out of nowhere, even if it was a non-celebrity, I would have been startled, but since it was him I was startled and blurred out’ ‘You’re Spider-man,’ like an idiot. He responded with, ‘No I’m not,’ and proceeded to ask about my day. Super nice, we talked for a bit, and the rest of the ride we both enjoyed our own music — he put his AirPods in and I with my car speakers. Luckily, I didn’t freak him out too much, because he left a nice tip through the app.” do*est_do*e / reddit

Bonus: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson photobombs his fan

Have you ever met any celebrities in real life? We would be glad to read your stories in the comments!

Please note: This article was updated in April 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.
Preview photo credit Boshasaurus/reddit


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When I was a little girl my family and I were walking through the redwoods just like we always did....George Lucas was filming one of the star wars movies nearby, he saw us and came over to say hi talked with my dad for a few, I was sshy and didn't want to shake his hand but my dad whispered that if I didn't I would be very sad someday so I did. As I grew up I became a huge nerd! I am sooooo glad I did shake his hand!


Renee Zellweger doesn’t have any kids much less Three of them... they might’ve been WITH her but they weren’t hers!


I was backstage at a meet and greet with Ozzy Osbourne, waiting on a very long line to get an autograph. When I finally got to the table, I got my CD signed and asked Ozzy if I could take a picture. A huge bodyguard immediately stepped up and said "NO pictures, move on"! Ozzy stood up, came around the table and said "The man wants a bloody picture", he put his arm around me and we took a pic. Ozzy is still my favorite to this day!!!


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