I love pandas!! So glad they’re ok. Also no. 6 is awesome :)
15 Pieces of Good News That Show the Genuinely Pure Side of Humanity
Good news can actually improve your physical and mental health. It plays a major role in relieving depression and anxiety and improves your well-being. What’s more, it brings positive emotions that make people feel more socially connected. That’s why it is so important to balance this “informational” diet and add as many inspirational stories to your daily menu as possible.
1. Sisters reunite after more than 45 years apart, living in the same city with sons attending the same school.
2 sisters had been living in the same city for 30 years, but were unaware of each other’s existence. Due to unfortunate circumstances, 51 years ago they were separated and given to different mothers. One went to foster care and was later adopted, while the other one remained with her father and mother.
3 years ago, one sister decided to discover where she came from and signed up for Ancestry.com. There she received a message from a woman asking to meet for coffee. The 2 recognized their bond immediately. “It was like looking at a ghost,” said one of the sisters. And what’s more surprising, they both have sons that are the same age and studying at the same school.
2. A guy invited his 89-year-old neighbor to live in his apartment so she didn’t have to spend her last days alone.
The 2 neighbors always said hello to each other and eventually became close friends. So close that when the woman started to need constant care, he decided to invite her in and take care of her and cover all the medical costs.
There, of course, was the option of putting her into a facility. But he couldn’t do that to someone who was like his own grandmother. She couldn’t be happier that he asked.
3. Some student loans will be paid off due to the generous contributions of anonymous donors.
Anonymous donors paid off college loans for up to 400 students who overcame personal hardships like homelessness and extreme poverty. Many students that were put on the list were shocked to hear the weight of their student loans would soon be lifted. This, for sure, will change the “trajectory” of their lives forever.
4. A brave woman’s heroic act saves hundreds of lives.
Omvati Devi was on her way to work when she came across a broken track. She realized this could result in a major catastrophe. So she immediately took her red sari off and started to wave it to get the attention of the conductor of the coming train.
It turned out her plan was successful as the driver stopped the train. Her actions probably saved the lives of hundreds of people. The driver offered her 100 rupees, but she refused to take it. Only after he kept insisting on it did she finally accept his offer.
5. Fans honored Betty White’s memory by raising money for rescue and animal shelters.
Legendary actress Betty White died on December 31, 2021, weeks before her 100th birthday. Her fans wanted to honor her memory and asked people to pick a local rescue or animal shelter and donate just $5 in Betty White’s name.
They called it the Betty White Challenge and managed to raise $12.7 million. But many local shelters had never even heard about it until the donations started arriving. Betty White famously loved animals, and this fans’ challenge really made her 100th birthday the movement she deserves.
6. A man won €200,000,000 in a lottery and donated almost all the money to save the Earth.
A Frenchman won €200,000,000 in the EuroMillions jackpot lottery and gave almost all the money to an endowment fund. He is standing for the protection and revitalization of forests, and the preservation and regeneration of biodiversity.
“My dream has never been to acquire boats, castles, or other sports cars, it is to be useful and to give meaning to this money, with the maximum positive impact,” said the man, known as Guy, since he chose to remain anonymous.
7. Heroic New York policeman rescues a dog floundering in a frozen lake.
A man was walking with his dog off-leash. She usually stayed close, but this time took off, ran 75 yards onto the ice, and fell in where the ice ended. She had no chance of getting out by herself, so the man called 911.
3 officers arrived and without hesitation or any rescue equipment, one of them removed his vest and gun belt, walked onto the ice, and rescued the dog. His name is Jon Smith. And his professionalism and bravery should be applauded.
8. A man in Maryland found a wallet in the snow and drove to the owner’s house to return it.
Laura Degnon’s son realized too late that he had lost his wallet somewhere in the snow. Unfortunately, there was quite a bit of Christmas money, college money, his school ID, his license, and his debit and credit card in there. So they shoveled everything but still couldn’t find it.
A few days later, Degnon heard the doorbell ring. To her surprise, there was a man standing there, asking if her son lived there. It turned out that he had accidentally found the wallet and drove to their house to return it. This is just more proof that humanity is still good!
9. Divers rescue a 100-year-old wedding ring that was lost in a river.
Emma Lyon was with family and friends on a riverbank. She was wearing her grandmother’s wedding ring, which was nearly 100 years old. She was clapping vigorously for the boys in the regatta taking place, when all of a sudden the ring flew off her finger and fell into the water.
A friend suggested that Lyon could contact the local diving club and ask them for help. So she emailed them, the guys came out, figured out where the ring might be, and found it within minutes. The vintage ring and finger were happily reunited!
10. NBA star donates his full salary this season to build a hospital in his hometown in Congo to honor his father.
Bismack Biyombo took last season off to care for his sick father, who passed away soon after. The NBA star said he was very fortunate that he was able to bring his father to the hospital. So he decided to donate the entire salary of his contract to build one in his hometown in Congo. He’s really happy to give hope to the hopeless and to provide them with better medical care.
11. 9-year-old gives lemonade stand money to an animal shelter.
9-year-old Kaira Dupuy decided to open a lemonade stand in her mom’s garage. One day a guy stopped, gave her $2, and said she could have it for whatever she was donating to. He didn’t even take the lemonade or a cookie. That sparked a wonderful idea!
Dupuy’s family had adopted a dog from a kill shelter. So the young girl decided to help other animals too. Her mom made a post on Facebook and soon money started to arrive. The girl bought some dog food and toys and donated them to a local shelter. She’s going to do this every year now. And we’ve found out that she’s not the only kid who really succeeded at this heart-warming mission.
12. A talented Congolese teacher helps kids to reintegrate
The French National Committee for UNICEF visited Congo to learn about the situation and how organizations were using their resources to benefit children. The kids are provided with medical, psychosocial, educational, and economic support. And with such dedicated people, like the woman in the photo, it seems like the results will always be impressive.
13. “My friend is eating a burger with prosthetic hands I designed and built for him.”
The MakerHand project helps people get their abilities back and live full, happy, and independent lives. This is especially important for kids who lost their limbs in an accident or due to other reasons. Prosthetic hands provide a strong grip and soft touch, even making it possible to pick up a plastic cup and not crush it. Some technologies can be real life changers!
14. Incredibly promising technology has been created: the bubble barrier extracts plastic from the rivers.
The purpose of this technology is to control the movement of debris and all kinds of plastic, allowing fish and other wildlife to pass through, unharmed. It also aerates/oxygenates the relatively stagnant water. When people first saw the results, they were shocked at how much pollution was out there.
15. Giant pandas are no longer endangered.
After 30 years of recovery efforts, the giant panda is no longer classified as endangered. Even though this is wonderful news, experts maintain that the species is still vulnerable to various natural threats and that conservation efforts must continue to ensure their future survival.
Have you heard any other really touching stories lately? Have you yourself helped someone around you? Please share your stories in the comments below.

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