12 People Who Have a Twisted Understanding of Friendship

2 hours ago

We often rely on our friends to support us during our toughest moments, anticipating their understanding and loyalty. However, reality doesn’t always align with our expectations. This article shares stories of friendships that fractured due to betrayal, disappointment, or deep emotional wounds. While these experiences can be painful, they also teach us valuable lessons and contribute to our personal growth once we navigate through them.

  • A close friend went abroad for a week. I was at a party and saw her husband being affectionate with another girl. I took a photo. When my friend returned, she said she wants to get a divorce. That’s when I showed her the "incriminating pic."
    But what she did next felt like a slap in the face. She handed me a pic and said, "And someone else there caught you talking and smiling with that same girl later on. Is this what friendship means to you?" I tried to explain that I was only talking to her to figure out what was really going on before saying anything. I didn’t want to stir up trouble in her marriage without knowing the full story.
    But my friend said that I should have let her know first, and she cut me off. Even though I still think I did the right thing, our mutual friends found out and sided with her, saying I didn’t act like a true friend. In the end, I lost the whole group.
  • My friend texted to say she needed to call me about her wedding. I thought she was going to ask me to be in it, but instead, she told me I can't go. You see, my mom died within the last year, and I can't bring bad luck to her joyous occasion.
    She'd still send me the invitation, as she didn't want to be rude, after all, but I wasn't allowed to go. When I received the invitation, I just threw it away instead of responding that I wouldn't be attending. © ypsm / Reddit
  • I was coming back from a friend's house who lives an hour and a half away from me. On my way home, I only made it about 10 minutes when I had to pull over due to car trouble. I was in a really bad part of the city late at night, and it was pouring rain.
    I called my friend to come get me, and she said she couldn't because she had to wake up early in the morning. I ended up having to walk to the closest motel, which was known to be a dangerous place.
    The fact that I had to stay alone in a dirty motel in a terrible part of the city just because my "friend" wouldn't drive 10 minutes to pick me up still blows my mind. © kls17 / Reddit
  • This one time, I wasn't feeling well. As good friends, they stayed with me and called a cab to go home—their home.
    I woke up in a cab, with the driver asking me to pay for the ride. I had to pay for two rides (that one and the other to my home) and got a lecture about what friendship is and how they were awful friends from the cab driver. © coiso / Reddit
  • I had an ugly breakup with my live-in girlfriend, and one of my supposed best friends and his wife invited her to come live with them. She's still there two years later, a mile from my house, and I don't think I've spoken to him since.
    If he gets divorced, I'm inviting his wife to live with me. © KidCuervo / Reddit
  • It was my dad's funeral, and my supposed best friend showed up extremely late and improperly dressed. My dad helped raise him ever since he was 12, and he didn't bother to show my dad the respect he deserved. I dragged him out of his car, showed him a photo of my dad, and told him he was dead to me. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • In the beginning of my senior year of high school, I had a pretty close group of friends. One friend's family was planning to move to Florida at the end of the year, so I thought it would be an awesome idea for us to visit him for a week or weekend during our summer vacation.
    One other guy thought it was a great idea, but the other four mocked me and made a ton of sarcastic comments like, "Oh yeah, that's definitely going to happen." Well, fast-forward to summer, I had kind of drifted away because I got a summer job and never really got invited to anything with them anymore, or I was always working when I did.
    I went onto Twitter one day to see that they had all just bought their plane tickets to fly down to Florida for a weekend to visit said friend. © yingsin / Reddit
  • After I went to boot camp, all my friends forgot about me and barely talked to me. What makes it worse is that I gave my "friend" a newly built gaming PC because I wasn't going to be using it. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • When I was about five, my best friend Carolyn called my house to see if I could come over to play. She lived right across the street, so it was easy for me to run over. She also had a child-sized playhouse in the backyard, which was our preferred hangout spot.
    I ran outside, crossed the street, came running around the side of her house, and up to the door of the playhouse. Just as I got there, the door flew open, Carolyn emerged, and dumped a pail of water all over me. I realized she had tricked me, and my five-year-old brain thought she had ruined my brand-new dress. © MiniRipperton / Reddit
  • Three-week holiday in a foreign country on the other side of the world. One—nearly two weeks in—she woke me at 6 in the morning with her bag packed and left. This was after she had threatened to leave pretty much every day since we got there.
    Now I'm seen as the bad friend because I let her go home. It annoys me just thinking about it. © Jennimess / Reddit
  • She needed a prom date, and being the great friend I am, I decided to do it. I ended up spending $300 and several hours being blown off in favor of her ex-boyfriend. So I essentially paid to get treated poorly, went home, watched TV, and didn't talk to her for a while. © Penguin90125 / Reddit
  • In 8th grade, my orchestra class had a school trip to San Francisco. I had signed up to room with three of my closest friends at the time six months in advance. We did things together all the time. The day of the trip came.
    Once we settled into our room, one of them asked if I could switch rooms with one of the girls from a different room because she "wasn't boring." I was furious—they didn't want me. I lashed out at them, took my luggage, and left. © BetaCyclone / Reddit

If you're seeking more stories about friends who revealed their true colors, this article with mind-blowing accounts is sure to resonate with you.


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