actually agree about sices, freshly grinded spices are the best
12 Products That Are Not Worth Buying Even With a Big Discount
Whenever we drop by a store and see a discount on some products, we instantly want to buy them. However, some things should not be bought even with a big discount, because it’s doubtful whether or not they are even good for us, while we realize that the money we saved on the deal is actually insignificant.
We at Bright Side are also human, and we know the desire well when it comes to buying something that’s on sale. But at the same time, we would like to figure out the essence of some products, as well as calculate whether the offered discounts justify the necessity to buy them. Here is what we’ve learned.
Processed cheese

In the beginning, everything sounds good: processed cheese is made from natural cheese. However, the further we get into the details, the worse it gets. They add saturated fat (to increase the level of cholesterol), a big amount of salt (to extend the shelf life and enhance the taste, which at the same time increases the risk of developing various diseases), and artificial food dyes (they have been controversial among scientists around the world for many years because of their dubious safety) to natural cheese.
The main goal of processed cheese manufacturers is to increase the shelf life of the product and sell the maximum quantity. Oftentimes, the price for this product is the same as the price for good quality natural cheese.
Whole-grain bread
Less wheat flour and more grain — that’s what drives us when we buy healthier whole-grain bread with aesthetically pleasing seeds. However, in reality, whole-grain bread is oftentimes ordinary bread disguised as “healthy.” As a rule, it is made of white wheat flour combined with rye flour, with some amount of flax seeds and bran added to it.
Packed fruit purees for kids

A pack with fruit puree in it is a truly comfortable thing. Moreover, it gives buyers confidence that its composition is harmless. Not only can it be used by kids but also by adults as a snack before a long-awaited lunch.
However, pay attention that the main ingredient in these purees is apple. It’s the most budget-friendly fruit in most Northern regions where 2 pounds cost about $2. A pack of puree at the same time costs almost the same money. How many apples do you think the production of 1 3-oz pack of puree requires?
Flavored puddings and yogurts

Shelves with yogurts and puddings take up a lot of space in supermarkets. The assortment varies: there are banana, strawberry, vanilla, mango — flavors for any taste. We gladly buy these products because “they are very healthy.” But, unfortunately, the benefits are there only in natural yogurt, without any additives. Most of its flavored companions have increased amounts of sugar, thickeners, and preservatives. In addition, if you compare the price of sugar-free Greek yogurt and the usual yogurt with fruit additives, you will notice that natural yogurt is often cheaper.
Nut mixtures for snacks

It’s a very popular snack: it is tasty, looks nice, and gives us confidence that we are eating something healthy. However, if you look closely at the composition of the pack, you’ll see that the main part of this product is candied fruit, cheap peanuts, and raisins. There are actually much fewer, more expensive nuts like almonds or cashews in it.
These mixtures are quite expensive but don’t hurry to buy them if you spot a discount — it will be much cheaper to put together this mixture by yourself. Moreover, it will give you a chance to reduce the number of candied ingredients and make the overall product a bit healthier.
Ground spices

Some spices contain oils that are responsible for flavor and aroma. These seasonings are best used immediately after grinding. You shouldn’t store them for years, because they lose their taste and aroma very quickly. Of course, no one can forbid you to use pre-ground spices if you have no opportunity to buy each type of whole spice separately. They will still add aroma — it will just not be as intense. But not all spices possess these properties: only cumin, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, coriander, and all kinds of pepper have these properties. Spices made of dried vegetables (carrots, celery) or herbs can be stored for years.
By the way, try to pay attention to the composition of spices that are meant for cooking certain dishes (“for fish,” “for cutlets,” “for kebab”). Usually, these mixtures have a lot of ingredients, among which you can find flavor enhancers and stabilizers. Mono-spices as a rule don’t contain them.
Mixtures for baking

Dry mixtures for baking cakes, pancakes, or cookies are present in almost all shops nowadays. Many of us buy them because they are convenient — you only need to add 1-2 ingredients, mix them, and the dough is ready.
However, you shouldn’t forget that apart from flour, egg powder, and sugar, flavorings, stabilizers, and colorants are also present in these mixtures. That’s why if you have a little spare time and the desire, it’s better to bake cookies from non-processed products. Moreover, some mixtures contain a maximum of 5 ingredients that are likely already there in your home.
Bulgur and millet are actually close relatives. Bulgur is made from parboiled, dried, and crushed wheat. Millet groats are processed differently. However, both have the same origin. The taste is quite similar, but bulgur is more crumbly, while its “relative” often ends up in lumps. This crumbliness is important in some dishes like salads or some types of side dishes. In other cases, it doesn’t make much difference like in soups of stuffings.
When it comes to nutritional value, bulgur and millet are almost equal in this sense, while the prices for both products differ greatly. That’s why it’s necessary to clearly know how you are going to use bulgur. Perhaps there is no need to overpay for it for dishes where you can use millet.
Fish and meat

A cut fillet of any fish will always cost more than a whole product. All because someone has spent their time and skill to clean it, and you have to pay for it. When buying a whole fish, you’ll have to work a bit to clean and cut it. The good thing is that it will save you a lot of money and give you confidence that the product is processed and cooked in decent sanitary conditions.
The same thing applies to poultry meat — a whole product is much cheaper than separated parts of the chicken or turkey.
Rice for sushi

Many people love this Japanese dish, however, not everyone can buy ready-made sushi in cafes. That’s the reason some people decide to cook this delicacy at home. For that, we normally buy rice which says “for sushi” on its package. It’s true that there are types of rice that are used exclusively for these reasons — they contain a lot of starch which makes the rice sticky after boiling.
However, if you take regular round grain rice and cook it appropriately, you’ll get the same thing. And only a great gourmet will be able to find the differences in the finished product.
Canned fish in oil
Canned products are loved all over the world — they offer small portions, the fish is ready to eat, and has as many vitamins as a fresh one. Usually, canned products come in 2 variants: in their own juice and in oil (which is of course juicier). However, if you want to get the maximum amount of vitamins that fish has, it’s better to opt for the one canned in its own juice. For example, in one of these servings (pictured in the photo above), omega-3 is on average 20% less than in the other because tuna in the water loses only 3% of omega-3 — they remain in the liquid that we drain. And if the tuna is in oil, then it has 15-25% less of this precious substance. And all this is just because omega-3 is soluble in fat.
Aromatized salt with spices

Many people try to diversify their home cuisine with various spices. And stewed veggies, for example, as well as many other dishes, can really take on a sort of exotic tinge. However, don’t rush to buy spices that have salt as a base because the major ingredient is actually the salt, which costs pennies. And these mixtures are normally sold at quite high prices.
If you buy salt and spices separately, you’ll spend much less than if you buy the same things mixed and sold as one product.
What products do you never buy, even if there is a big discount on them?
bulgur is delicious, maybe it's a bit pricy, but I love it... don't want to give it up :)

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