12+ Stories With Twists That Get Creepier the More You Read

week ago

We can never fully anticipate what lies ahead, no matter how much we plan or speculate. Life tends to catch us off guard, either through unexpected events or the actions of others. While these surprises aren’t always pleasant—sometimes even unsettling—they often provide valuable lessons and, in time, can turn into amusing stories.

  • I got home and my boyfriend was asleep. I went to the bathroom and was horrified to see him there taking a shower. Panicked, I shouted, "There's someone in our room!" He turned pale and told me to run to the car, lock it and call 911.
    Later that day, I was horrified to discover that my boyfriend had been cheating on me for two years and always had his mistress over while I was at work. That day, I had come home early and caught him. To mislead me, he made it sound as if there was an intruder in our home and that I needed to leave and call 911, while he could have woken her up and made her leave.
    Luckily, instead of going to the car, I decided to hide behind the bushes and saw a woman leaving. Needless to say, I kicked him out that day.
  • I was adopted from South America to the US when I was a toddler and have no memory of my birth parents. I had an older friend/mentor I met in college, whom I knew as Mike.
    When I learned that my birth mother had passed away, I received a few of her belongings, including pictures. Who was in these pictures? Mike. He was my birth father. © aaareed / Reddit
  • My niece had a really good friend in high school. My sister was also friends with the friend's mom. They were always helping each other out. One day, my niece’s friend showed pictures of a family gathering, and she recognized my dad. The friend said that was her grandpa, and that’s how we found out we had four more sisters. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My dad had a heart transplant when I was in high school. It was a tough time for him and our family, but he pulled through the ordeal and is still here 13 years later.
    Fast forward to about four years ago, and my twin sister started dating a guy from a nearby town. After a week or two, they began talking about their lives. The topic of my dad's transplant came up, and he started asking more and more about the details.
    It turned out that his best friend was the one who died in a car accident, and my dad had received his heart. So crazy. © teepidge / Reddit
  • A friend of mine started seeing a guy we met on a night out. They were really into each other and had been going out for a couple of months when she randomly saw him on the street talking to her ex—not just any ex, but her first real boyfriend who broke her heart.
    She ran up to them, confused, asking how they knew each other. Turns out, they’re brothers. © Dionne94 / Reddit
  • My dad died when I was seven, leaving behind me and my mom. Fast-forward to when I was 24, I was at home cleaning out a closet for my mother and found a death certificate for my dad. It listed 'survived by sons' plural and then named me and another son.
    I asked my mom if I had a brother, and it turns out I’m not an only child. I had a brother I never knew about from my dad’s first marriage, which I also never knew about. Go figure. © Ghost2Eleven / Reddit
  • My Dad convinced the family our financial turmoil was due to identity theft. Turns out he put us in thousands of dollars in debt, lost the house and the family savings. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My grandpa passed away 40-something days ago in a sudden way (he fainted while playing cards with Grandma, my parents, and me, and couldn’t be brought back). A week ago, my mother called to say they had been to the lawyer, and she had an envelope.
    Inside the envelope were birth certificates for two girls fathered by my grandpa that no one in the family knew about—one is 22 years old (my age) and the other is 18 (about my younger sister’s age). My grandpa was 78. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • This girl in my high school class got into a top university for Political Science. She was super smart, friendly, and the daughter of one of the most powerful statesmen in my country. Her mom was investigated for some shady financial activities, and it turned out her tuition money was coming from that. She had to drop out because they lost most of their money. © AHighness / Reddit
  • Someone hacked my school’s website and wrote a bunch of awful stuff about our head of school on his “about” page. They exposed how he had cheated on his sick wife and some other bad stuff.
    Later, everyone was shocked to find out that the hacker was actually the head of the school’s son, whom he had to expel a few years prior for selling illegal things. © miscellaneousbean / Reddit
  • I once stopped my car to let a woman cross the street. I then entered a parking garage that was apparently full. As I was waiting, a car started pulling out in front of me—it was the lady I had let cross the street. © foevalovinjah / Reddit
  • A friend of mine was dating a guy. She was truly in love with him. He introduced her to his family and friends, and they dated for about eight months.
    Afterwards, she discovered he was actually engaged to another woman. Her entire family thought she was just a friend of his and were fully aware he already had a fiancée. He introduced her as a friend to his parents and not as a girlfriend. © Juub1990 / Reddit
  • I went for a car loan and found out I had over $20,000 in debt. My identity had been stolen, and I had no idea how it had happened. A few months later, my mother was deported to Costa Rica, so for the next two years, I was helping with the transition.
    When she passed away in 2007, and we started gathering her things, that’s when I saw it: credit card bills, loans, leases, etc. My own mother had stolen my identity and been having a party at my expense. © Mabans / Reddit

Medical staff often encounter eerie situations and unsettling sights. If you’re curious to hear about some of their creepiest experiences, check out this chilling article.


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