13 Celebrities Who Underwent a Radical Makeover

There are different types of diets that adapt to the preferences of each person. There are even celebrities who, concerned about the environment, animals, or their health, decide to eliminate meat from their diet. Some are vegans and others vegetarians, but they all have a reason why plant-based food has become part of their lifestyle.
At Bright Side, we want to tell you why some celebrities decided to give up animal products to start eating plant-based.
In early 2021, Katy Perry announced on her Twitter account that she was 95% ready to go completely vegan. Although the reasons for her decision are unknown, the singer has shown her concern for the food industry by investing in the company, Impossible Foods.
This company is dedicated to making meat and dairy substitutes to eliminate the need for meat and other animal-based foods.
The rapper and founder of The Black Eyed Peas began his journey toward a vegan diet for health reasons. For the singer, becoming a vegan was the solution to his cholesterol and high blood pressure problems. Although at the beginning his motivation was not to avoid eating animals, he says that later he realized that he does not need them to feed himself.
For Jessica Chastain, becoming a vegan was not something she wanted to do, but it was the result of listening to her body. The actress has said that in her twenties, she had low energy and very high cholesterol, so one way to solve this problem was to change her diet to a completely plant-based one.
James Cameron decided to go vegan because of his concern for the environment and the benefits he considers this diet to have. The acclaimed director assures that he has not gotten sick since he has been eating plant-based food.
He is so committed to this diet that he was executive producer of the documentary, Radical Change, in which he talks about the vegan diet among athletes.
In addition to being an actress, Evanna has a podcast called The ChickPeeps where she seeks to inform people about the vegan lifestyle and have open discussions with animal rights advocates. The actress became a vegetarian at the age of 11 because she disliked the idea of eating meat, and in 2014, she decided to become a vegan.
The young star of Stranger Things became a vegetarian at the age of 13 after watching Food, Inc., a documentary about the meat industry. Currently, she is vegan and her main motivation is to help animals and the environment through her diet.
When the motor racing driver, Lewis Hamilton, decided to start eating plant-based, he had 2 reasons for it: to have the healthiest lifestyle possible and to avoid harming the planet. Since then, he has maintained this diet and joined causes that promote veganism, like, for example, in 2018, when he was the executive producer for the documentary, Radical Change.
Actress Rooney Mara tried to be a vegetarian since the age of 9, but it was not until adulthood that she fully decided to go vegan after watching videos about how animal-based foods are obtained.
Sometime later, she entered the fashion world by launching her vegan clothing and accessories brand after realizing how difficult it is to find vegan clothing.
Since the age of 4, Joaquin Phoenix knew he no longer wanted to consume animal products because he felt so sorry for animals. The actor often uses his influence to speak out about animal rights and care for the environment, as he did in his acceptance speech for the Oscar award for best actor.
The actor has collaborated with organizations such as PETA and was the producer of the documentary, Gunda, which explores the lives of farm animals.
What do you think of these celebrities’ diet changes? Would you like to stop eating meat? Tell us why.
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