13 Examples of Kid Logic That Can Dumbfound Adults

Family & kids
4 hours ago

The truth speaks from the mouth of a child. Children’s logic sometimes comes to such amazing conclusions and solutions that experienced theorists and practitioners exclaim, “But how?”

We put together some vivid stories about children who make unexpected, but very logical conclusions.

  • When I was little, I loved black olives, and I wanted some for Christmas. Problem was, I forgot what they were called. I thought they looked like eyes, so I asked Santa for black eyes. The look he gave me was priceless. © Im_a_Sandwich / Reddit
  • My son hates everything dairy. Even cocoa. But I noticed recently that when we order food from one fast food restaurant, my son enjoys drinking their cocoa. I thought maybe I just don’t cook it well.
    As an experiment, I poured my cocoa into a cup from the restaurant and my son drank it! Then I decided to try pouring the restaurant cocoa into a regular cup. My son’s reaction was, “Eeew.” So, how am I supposed to understand my child’s logic? © Mamdarinka /VK
  • I was 4 or 5 and in preschool. Whenever someone had their birthday, we would (kindly be forced to) sing a birthday song for them.
    One of those songs included the line, “How pleasant that you were born, we would have truly missed you overall.” I refused to sing that particular song. The logic was easy: if the person had not been born, I had not known them. And I cannot miss what I do not know. © Kauyon_Kais / Reddit
  • I love children’s logic: it always makes you think, and sometimes it proves that you should be simpler and everything will work out! Yesterday, I spent a long time in the kitchen, making strudel according to my grandmother’s recipe. I’ve loved it since childhood, so I decided to treat my loved ones. I did my best!
    And when it was ready, I called my 5-year-old son, “Stan, do you want a piece of strudel?” And he said, “No, I don’t like it.” “Will you have an apple pie?” I asked. He smiles and runs to the table, “Yes! I love it!” I admire his logic! © Mamdarinka /VK
  • When my husband and I had our daughter, I often walked with her. The child was about 5 years old, and we would go to the playground almost every day where my daughter had lots of friends. I caught them on the slides, rocked them on the swings, spun them on the merry-go-round. It was fun: my daughter had someone to play and socialize with, and I liked to watch the children, understand their desires, logic and character.
    One day I hear the doorbell ringing. I open the door, and there are kids standing there, “Will Vic go out?” I answered that she would, but a little later. A few seconds of awkward silence and another question: “Will you go out?” © Mamdarinka /VK
  • I was talking to my cousin about snakes and explained that some snakes were bigger than him. He didn’t believe me, so I showed him a picture, and he looked at me like I was dumb and said, “That snake isn’t bigger than me, it just has more long.” © TheKate_est / Reddit
  • When I was a child, my mom read a tip: to make a child listen, you should ask them an obvious question 3 times to get a “yes.” And then ask what you need to ask.
    My mom decided to try the method and asked the first question, “Are you a girl?” I smiled sweetly and replied, “No, I’m a monkey!” I’ve been fighting the system since I was little. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I used to be a nanny for 3 kids. Once, the eldest went away on a trip to visit her aunt; she flew there on an airplane and I guess when they took her to the airport, their parents had the other kids wave goodbye to her in the airplane as it flew off.
    For the week she was gone, every time an airplane flew overhead, her little sister (about 3 or 4) would wave goodbye to her in the airplane, like she was just up there cruising around in a plane all week. It was too cute for me to correct, so I would just wave goodbye along with her, trying not to laugh. © oyveyski / Reddit
  • My daughter (3 y.o.) says she can’t eat apples unless there is peanut butter on the plate. Not peanut butter on the apples, not peanut butter to dip the apples in, just a small dollop of peanut butter on the plate to be eaten after the apple is all gone.
    I asked her why when she never eats the two together, and her answer was, “My apples don’t want to be eaten alone, so the peanut butter keeps them company. The peanut butter is super brave, though, so it doesn’t mind that the apples are all gone when I eat it.” © armytrixter / Reddit
  • I was donating some of my niece’s clothes that she had outgrown, and she told me not to. I asked her why not, and she said because when the clothes got small enough, she would put them on her dolls... No concept of her growing, she thought the clothes were shrinking. © peaches9057 / Reddit
  • At school, my first-grade daughter had a logic problem, “It’s a hippo’s birthday. Question: how old is the hippo and how many guests is he expecting?” There was a picture attached to the problem — a cake cut into 6 pieces with 5 candles on it.
    The whole class answered that the hippo was 5 years old and was expecting 5 guests. The teachers corrected everyone because the answer is wrong: he is expecting 6 guests. But they didn’t ask the children why they gave the wrong answer.
    At home, we asked our daughter why she thought there were 5 guests. The answer was logical, “Won’t the hippo eat the cake himself?” Lesson learnt. © goodscvall / Pikabu
  • The kid I babysit thinks I pay his mom to let me hang out with him (he’s 5). © samiru27 / Reddit
  • My mom was visiting us, and my son thought she was the greatest. It was bedtime, and he was weaning out of diapers. We told him, if you pee the bed it’s okay, you can sleep with Grammy, and we’ll clean in the morning. The next morning, my mom was killing herself laughing.
    Apparently, our son thought we meant if you pee the bed, you’ll get to sleep with the super-duper fun lady who lets you do anything. So, once we left him for the night, he tried hard to whizz in the bed as best he could, then proudly ran to Grammy saying, “I peed! So I get to stay with you! I almost couldn’t do it, but I tried really hard.” © donadora / Reddit

And here’s another bunch of stories about kid logic.

Preview photo credit Overheard / Ideer


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