13 Photos That Prove Vision Can Be Deceiving

4 hours ago

Have you ever thought about how deceptive our vision can be? Optical illusions can distort reality, turning a photograph into something unusual. The world is full of surprises, and sometimes all it takes is a slight change in the angle of vision to see them.

"Handheld snowboarder"

"Haunted house"

"Goalie wearing shoes"

"Dog and cat in my morning coffee"

"With a giant Shrek plush"

"Our newborn giving a thumbs-up"

"My friends are conjoined twins."

"A flying bag"

"My 2 dogs or a fantastical beast"

"Multi-purpose public transport"

"Uh, no? I asked for light ice!"

Centaur in reverse

The woman defied gravity!

And here's another bunch of optical illusions. Check them out.


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