13 Soul Crashing Yet True Stories People Shared, And I’m Seriously Could Feel the Pain

8 months ago

Life frequently surprises us with unexpected twists, sometimes adding excitement and other times bringing profound changes. In today’s article, we explore stories of startling discoveries that dramatically altered people’s lives, leaving them shocked and amazed.

  • I once had a job interview. It was very early in my career and I was trying to move 500 miles to a new place. I built prototypes and brought samples of my work. It was a 9-hour drive, but everyone seemed so enthusiastic that I figured it was a lock. I did not get the job. I found another job in the area and took it. 6 months later they called and asked me to interview for the job above the one I had applied for. I was given an offer on the spot and worked there for almost a decade. In the first few months, the people there told me the guy whose job I had (who would have been my boss if he hired me initially) had said the samples and work I did was beyond him and he didn't want an employee who knew more than him. Well, I guess he doesn't have that problem since they fired him and replaced him with me. © Unknown Author / Reddit
  • My autism diagnosis was a big twist in my life. After being bullied daily for years and having weekly therapy sessions, getting the diagnosis was like a big punch moment.
    © opthomas_primal / Reddit
  • I learned that I was pregnant with my third child and was so excited to break the news to my then-husband. He ripped up the sonogram and said, "You're going to get rid of it" while jabbing his finger into my chest. The divorce was finalized the day before I gave birth to our daughter.
    © OkRemote5 / Reddit
  • A girl went to my college freshman year and hung out in my dorm hall a lot. Fun-loving, always happy, constantly hyper, and smart. My roommate was crushing hard on her. She disappears from campus after that summer and doesn’t respond much to texts and whatnot.
    Three years later, suddenly her social media has life again... as Miss Pennsylvania. © stouf761 / Reddit
  • Was out with a friend of mine, who ran into her dad....and his OTHER family. © sci_lit / Reddit
  • I have a friend who had a super close family. He had four brothers, an uncle, his mom and dad, and another guy living at the house.
    Everything was great until everybody found out his uncle is his biological father... © fencemya**offanddie / Reddit
  • I was the supervisor for a brand-new catering venue in our town. Our first wedding was your typical affair, pipe and drape, plenty of white everywhere, and lovely people.
    At a year anniversary, our salespeople email the client. Turns out, the best man was having an affair with the bride the whole time she was engaged, and after they were married. So needless to say, they got divorced. © ManicFirestorm / Reddit
  • During the last year of my grandfather’s life, he had dementia and was having trouble keeping track of reality. Before he was placed into hospice, he kept complaining about a man in his house. He would say that this man would come around at night, take his things, and use his stuff. Grandma, of course, kept reassuring him that she was the only one there. His doctor increased his medications because he was losing touch with reality so badly.

    Fast forward to my grandfather’s funeral, and a man showed up who wasn’t known by more than a few people in the family. It turns out he was an old friend of my grandmother’s who showed up to give his support. In a small town like that, it wasn’t exactly unusual to have random people show up at the funeral home who had known the person at some point.
    Well, about a year later, my grandmother let slip that she was seeing someone—the guy from the funeral. At this point, nothing seemed too odd; they got to talking at church, and we thought it was sweet.

    Then, a bit later, sweet, innocent ol’ grandma mentioned that it was their third anniversary.
    Grandpa had died two years prior. This man was the person that grandpa saw in his house every night. He was the reason everyone thought grandpa was going crazy. He was the reason that my grandfather was medicated to the point of being a vegetable for the last horrible year of his life.
    © turnsouthewasreal / Reddit
  • Turns out I'm not just adopted; I'm someone's "love child". My biological mom got pregnant, never told my dad, and gave me up. Shocked him when I found him. Shocked him even more when it turned out they had a relationship two years after I was born, resulting in a brother whom she also kept quiet and gave up. © PositiveDatingMod / Reddit
  • I was telling a client about a guy I met where I spent my summers. A real piece of work who had a bad reputation in town because he was caught cheating on his wife more than once and flashed money around like he was rich. He blew all his money trying to develop some property and now was running out of businesses in town who would work with him.
    She asked his name. It was her fiancé. So now I'm on the phone with my client who is crying because she was planning her wedding to a guy who had no money but a wife. © designgoddess / Reddit
  • I worked at a Pizza place in high school, and always joked about how the manager was stealing money to pay child support. He didn't show up one day, and we found out he left the state with his girlfriend and stole about $500 from the store's safe. © YaBoiNoct / Reddit
  • I was engaged at one point in my life and I was walking down some train tracks by where I grew up after I found out my fiance was cheating on me. I took my ring off and threw it down the train tracks. I was 19. About 12 years later I was walking down those same train tracks, tripping on mushrooms, and noticed a glimmer; it was my ring. © AeriaGlorisHimself / Reddit
  • My dad joked to my mom and me about having a separate apartment. He also said he was certain I would pick him over my mom to live with (This was days before we moved into our new home). Turns out he really DID have an apartment and ended up leaving us. © AWildLexiAppears / Reddit

It's human nature to get suddenly infuriated by small annoyances. Often, it takes very little to ruin an otherwise good day. We recommend taking a deep breath before continuing to browse through this curated list of mildly irritating pictures.


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