14 Daughters-in-Law Who Suddenly Showed Their True Colors

Family & kids
4 hours ago

Adapting to your husband's family can be difficult, especially in the beginning. After all, every family has its own special culture and values. Different worldviews can cause conflict situations. It is almost impossible to draw a conclusion about who is right and who is to blame, without hearing both sides. But the actions of the daughters-in-law in this article are difficult to justify.

And in the bonus section, you'll find a story from a daughter-in-law.

  • It just so happened that after my husband and I divorced, we continued to live together. My mother-in-law refused to accept him - he was too troubled. But she let our daughter with her husband live with her and bequeathed her the flat.
    My son with his wife lives at his mother-in-law's place. She is very unhappy that we gave them nothing. Recently, my husband was diagnosed with a terrible disease. Everyone was shocked, and the daughter-in-law said, "When the father dies, we'll move to your place, and you move to your mother in the village."
    I was speechless. And the son was silent. My husband just left the house, and then offered to marry again, so that the flat would stay with me, and the son would lose any right to it. © Nadia / Ispovedi
  • I'm writing on behalf of my mother. My sister-in-law is lazy and obnoxious. She hasn't worked in 10 years, while my brother works 60 hours a week minimum. My brother went years without a birthday/Christmas/Father's Day card or gift from her. (Not even a card!)
    So my mom used to come down for weeks at a time whenever my sister-in-law was "unwell." Last year, my mom bought my brother a big, expensive birthday present. He's worth it, we always try and show him what he's worth. Well, Mrs. sister-in-law chucked a wobbly, "You need to stop buying him things, or you and me will be having words out the front!"
    Mom looked dead at her, "You wanna beat me up because I treat your husband better than you?!" That's just 1 story. © Green_eyes_1986 / Reddit
  • I always wanted my son to have his own place. When he got married, we gave him a 2-bedroom flat. My daughter-in-law and her parents were very happy at first. Then she invited us for a serious talk.
    When we arrived, her parents were there too. My heart sank. Then my daughter-in-law announced their joint decision to sell the flat and buy a 3-bedroom flat. But they don't have enough money, so the son will take a loan!
    I replied that we bought this flat, and we would decide what to do with it. Her parents can deal with their daughter's demands. She started shouting, and the son was silent. Then she said she didn't want to know us anymore. Now she is threatening to divorce him. © Unknown author / Ispovedi
  • My son and his wife lived with me for a year. My daughter-in-law was always complaining. I cleaned too noisily, I cooked "too good" and she couldn't lose weight. She wanted to take away my keys to the flat - she gets scared when I come in. I didn't confront her.
    One day I came back from holiday, and my daughter-in-law was packing her stuff. It turned out that my son came back from work and caught her with another man. So, he gave her 24 hours to pack, and then divorce. I tried to make them reconcile to keep the family together. It didn't work out. © Sky Ya / Dzen
  • So, we got an MBA graduate as our daughter-in-law. I was so happy when I saw her, but never knew what's her true face. There are so many things which went wrong in our relationship.
    A week after she came home, my maid, who used to cook food for us, fell ill. She got jaundice, so I told her to take rest and one month leave. I thought why search for a new cook just for one month, and asked my daughter-in-law if she is comfortable to cook. She nodded, but I could see that her mood suddenly became off.
    Next day I get a call from her husband, my son, that she told him, I told her that "Now that we have you, why we need a maid." I was shocked!
    Unfortunately, after 3 months, she had a miscarriage. I felt very bad and started crying. I was worried about her. Instead, she tells her parents that I had spilled oil on the floor so that she loses her baby. I was so shocked.
    Now she lives with her parents. Why does she hate me so much? © Unknown author / Quora
  • My son lives with his family abroad, and they had a daughter. I flew to see them. When we met, my heart was jumping with joy. And then my daughter-in-law said, "Please don't take offense, but you can't stay with us. There's no room."
    My son was silent. My heart was broken. I walked down the street and cried. The next morning I left.
    And my son then added, "You're like a spoilt girl. Nothing would have happened if you had spent a night in a hostel." © Overheard / Ideer
  • My daughter-in-law won't let me see my grandson and son. I'm blacklisted on my grandson's phone. My son can't go against her - she'll make a scandal! That's how I was left alone in my old age.
    Unfortunately, this is not all her intrigues. She constantly provokes me to scandals. But I don't fall for it. So, she couldn't think of anything better than to say bad things about me to my grandson and son.
    Once I received a message from my son with such nasty things that I immediately guessed she wrote it from his phone. I have no one else close to me. I think that this is done only to take possession of my modest property. © Unknown author / Ispovedi
  • One day my cousin and his wife came to visit us. And she suddenly asks, "Well, you still haven't found a boyfriend?" And I just answered with another question, "And you still can't get pregnant?"
    I consider both questions rude. But what can I do? My relatives oppress me. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I was friends with her mom for over 25 years, and knew the daughter-in-law since she was 2. We all got along and had fun. Then my daughter-in-law showed interest in my son. And got engaged. Mind you, she told me through a text.
    She became rude and stand-off toward us. My son stayed out of it. I don't say a word to him in fear of losing him. They bought a house 2 years ago. We're not allowed there. They bought it before getting married.
    And to make matters worse, I found out they got married 2 months before the "wedding." I'm lucky to see my son once a month. So, one day she really pissed me off. My bad, I texted her what I thought. Crickets. @competitive-fan-9402 / Reddit
  • I gave my son and daughter-in-law my mother's flat. But my daughter-in-law made such a mess! I couldn't stand it and offered to help her. She refused.
    Then I said that I would not tolerate that the flat turned into a barn. She said, "You don't live here." But I chose a moment when only my son was at home and cleaned up. My daughter-in-law came in, looked round and went into another room. I just left.
    And then my son calls and says, "Don't come here anymore, I'd rather visit you myself sometimes." She did it. But my son and grandson can't live in filth!
    I called my daughter-in-law and said, "Look for a place to live, I'll renovate the flat." My son tried to persuade me later. I agreed not to interfere anymore. Let him come to see me at least once in a while. I don't want to see her anymore. © Zoya / Ispovedi
  • My mother-in-law has a very rocky relationship with one of her daughters-in-law. There are a few of us. This one time, this particular daughter-in-law had started "being nice" to our mother-in-law by going to lunch with her and giving her advice on how to change annoying aspects of her personality. This lasted for a couple of months.
    Finally, the daughter-in-law had an absolute rage session and started screaming at the mother-in-law saying how she could no longer be part of this ruse and that all her attempts at being friendly and trying to change the mother's-in-law personality was pointless because the mother-in-law was too stupid. To this day they don't get along, and family gatherings are always super uncomfortable. © SiXleft7 / Reddit
  • A month ago, our grandson was born. We went to visit the new parents with gifts. And my daughter-in-law didn't even try to hide her annoyance.
    My daughter, as an experienced mom, started to advise something. But in response, she heard that the daughter-in-law knows everything herself. She also returned the gifted teddy bear, saying, a newborn doesn't need it. But the child will grow up! And my son was silent.
    Since then, I see my grandson only in photos, they don't call us. I invite them to my place, they refuse. I asked my son to meet me on the street while walking with the baby. He replied, "Let the baby grow up a bit."
    My daughter-in-law has switched the baby to formula feeding, maybe that's why she doesn't want us to come and judge her. We used to communicate normally. But after the birth of my grandson, she's like a different person. © Antonina / Ispovedi
  • My sister experienced it when she lived with my sister-in-law and brother. Sister-in-law had a very particular way of doing things. So, she told my sister to not do anything because the sister-in-law had an order.
    Dishes? Nope, leave it in the sink. Cleaning? Nope, you're not doing it my way. So, my sister didn't touch any cleaning. Then the sister-in-law got upset my sister didn't clean.
    Made a PowerPoint presentation on everything my sister did wrong. These presentations would last a minimum of 20 minutes and up to an hour or so.
    My sister was confused because when she did help, she was told she was doing it wrong and the sister-in-law told her to stop. Now that she stopped, sister-in-law is mad my sister isn't helping. My sister isn't dirty by any means, she knows how to clean up. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • The ex daughter-in-law set a condition - to support her during maternity leave, otherwise we won't see the child. We agreed, but we were not allowed to communicate with the child anyway.
    Recently I saw her with my grandson on the street. I was so happy, and with her permission, I talked to him. And about a week later, I called my daughter-in-law and offered to take berries that I had picked in the forest. She rudely told me not to call again.
    She said the child was scared and didn't go to daily care for a few days because he was afraid to meet "a scary lady." But he was so glad to talk to me! I don't understand why she does this, because we have always treated her well. © Eugenia / Ispovedi

Bonus: the daughter-in-law's perspective

  • In my mother-in-law's point of view, I am the evil snake that is ruining her family and its values. I'm manipulating her son into a man that rejects his family and won't let them into our lives.
    My husband suddenly has these boundaries and secrets. He doesn't want to be involved in anything with his family and refuses to invite them over to see our children. I must be changing him and turning him against them! It's all my fault!
    Reality is my mother-in-law is a huge boundary stomper and doesn't have basic respect for us. We have very simple boundaries, and she has fits about them because she can't do whatever she wants when she wants. For goodness’ sake, she's literally unhappy about how she has to "make an appointment" to come over to our house instead of just popping by whenever she felt like it.
    She expects my husband to be her personal free laborer, and her idea of family is her being heavily involved in every aspect of my and my husband's lives. Her increasing ridiculousness just keeps pushing my husband further away from her with each issue she blows up on. © magicrowantree / Reddit

And here's a story of a woman whose daughter-in-law suddenly turned into a monster.

Preview photo credit Overheard / Ideer


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