14 “How It Started” vs “How It’s Going” Pictures That Can Skyrocket Your Motivation

2 years ago

Determination and passion can change a person’s life, and we have the chance to see that here through some personal stories. For example, in the 2020 Olympic games that took place in Tokyo, we witnessed a 13-year-old girl from Brazil winning a silver medal in skateboarding. Rayssa Leal managed to become the youngest Brazilian to participate in the Olympics and the youngest Olympic medalist in the past 85 years.

Bright Side compiled a list of 14 inspirational stories that show how determination can yield life-changing results.

1. At age 13, Rayssa Leal went from viral skateboarder to Olympic medalist.

2. Soccer star Kylian Mbappé won his first World Cup before he was 20.

3. Basketball star Giannis Antetokounmpo started off selling CDs in the streets and is now an NBA champion.

4. This man built an entire car from scratch.

5. Ben Francis launched Gymshark at the age of 19 from his home, and now it’s a $1.3 billion giant.

6. Selena Gomez started her career at Barney & Friends. She has now appeared in more than 50 projects on TV and in cinema.

7. On the left, we can see the dog before it was rescued. On the right, it’s the same dog 6 weeks after finding a new home.

8. Drag queen Darienne Lake worked hard for almost 2 years in order to drop the excess weight.

9. Serge Ibaka was born in Congo to a very poor family, but he managed to win an NBA championship.

10. Safiya Sideek is an artist, and she shared what her first drawing was and what her art has evolved into.

11. This young man gave his future coach a follow on Twitter and together they won a championship.

12. She started as a job shadower and now she’s a full-time pharmacist.

13. Thomas Pesquet went from pretending to be an astronaut when he was a child to being a real-life spaceship pilot.

14. Their gaming characters met and then the 2 of them became a couple.

Which story touched you the most? Do you have any impactful stories to share that will give courage to the people reading them?


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