For our ancestors, beards were only practical — they protected their faces from damage and cold. But modern men grow beards mostly for their appearances. Beards make them look even more handsome and attractive.
“Now, my face will never be cold.”
“The difference 3 years makes”
“19 years old and 23. Now the beard balances out my bushy eyebrows that I didn’t like. My mom wasn’t impressed.”
“So crazy how a beard totally changes your whole look. 9 months of beard growth. First time with a beard. I love it. My partner hates it.”
“I’m thinking inside the box. That’s my frame of mind.”
It seems that we found a candidate for the role of Apollo in a film about Ancient Greece
“6 months of progress — aside from the usual routine, I also use coconut oil once or twice a week.”
“I have a hair pulling disorder. That doesn’t stop me from growing a cool beard!”
“My bearded journey so far. Before and after”
“29 years old, first time growing a beard. Going for that Wes Chatham look.”
Beard or no beard, that is the question
“36 years old with 4 kids and I used to get my ID checked EVERY time. Not as much now”
Please note: This article was updated in April 2023 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.