I would totally have done what that kid in #7 did. Not the flowers I mean, buying those watermelons.
14 Parents That Are Swelling With Pride Over Their Kids
Parents are willing to do anything for their kids. But sometimes kids don’t ever have a chance to really say thank you. What kids don’t always realize is that becoming decent, caring people is the best way to show their gratitude.
Bright Side gathered some inspiring stories that left moms and dads saying proudly, “That’s my child.”
14. A story about lunches
A boy told his mom that some kids in his class didn’t have lunches at school. “How come?” his mom asked. “Because they don’t have one, Mommy. Can I bring them some of mine?” It was totally his idea, and he even helped pack it.
13. A story about college
This poor farmer raised his son all alone and even helped him study in college. He sold everything he had to help his son. When the boy graduated, he said that his father was the greatest pride of his life.
12. A story about a fish
A boy caught his first fish all by himself and told his dad it was for him for Father’s Day.
11. A story about a wheel
A dad was teaching his son how to change a tire. When the boy succeeded, his father said, “Great job, buddy.” Both were all smiles afterward.
10. A story about hair
My son is turning 13 this week and for the third time, he is donating his hair to children with hair loss, through a company that provides wigs. He’s been doing this for over 6 years now and grows his hair out for 2 years at a time.
9. A story about flowers
A dad gave his 7-year-old son $40 to spend at the grocery store, telling him he could buy anything he wanted — giving the boy the freedom to choose. The boy bought a slew of products for $34. Then he spent his remaining $6 dollars on flowers for his mom.
8. A story about gifts
“Yesterday was my daughter’s 6th birthday. Her wish was to help feed the hungry. She collected all this food to donate to our local food pantry. I’m a very proud father.”
7. A story about a dinner.
A man had gotten divorced from his wife and was feeling depressed. One night he returned home to find his 9-year-old daughter in the kitchen. She’d been waiting for him for 2 hours and said, “Dad, now I’m gonna take care of you.”
6. A story about rain.
“My son asked if he could walk to the bus stop a bit earlier than usual today (with an umbrella) because another little boy was standing there getting drenched.”
5. A story about moving.
“We are moving. This was the first thing my 6-year-old son packed. Because his friends are the most important things to him.”
4. A story about the color green.
“I’m a single father. My favorite color is green. And my daughter knows when I’ve had a hard day at work.”
3. A story about a graduation
A girl’s mother was very ill and couldn’t attend her daughter’s graduation. So the girl decided to sacrifice attending the event herself in order to share the moment alongside her mother. Needless to say, this mother was very proud of her daughter.
2. A story about thunder
“So our 2-year-old son recognized that our dog was scared of thunder and decided that our dog needed his own personal blanket. He even brought him his water bowl to make him feel better. In these pictures, our son is talking to him and telling him he’ll be okay. He’s so good at taking care of others.”
1. “My 2-year-old brother wiped his face on the couch after crying.”
“My 2-year-old brother cried with his face buried on the sofa.”
Do you have any stories that make you feel proud of your kids or siblings? Share them with us!

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