14 Parents Who Passed the Vibe Check in a Unique Way

Family & kids
3 years ago

According to a recent study, kids’ adorable features are “made” to appeal to all of our senses in order to kick our caregiving urges into high gear. But mind-controlled or not, you helped a human being enter this world and it’s your responsibility to teach them about what it means to be a kind, thoughtful, and cool individual. That said, the people from the pictures below really nail the whole parenting thing and we can’t wait to show you what they got.

Bright Side presents you with 14 pictures of people who definitely qualify for the most wholesome parent of the year award.

1. “This toddler didn’t want to take their medicine. Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.”

2. “8 spots to sit. All 3 choose my legs stretched out on the ottoman.”

3. “Buy your kid(s), regardless of gender, a kitchen. I get more done when I ask my son to ‘make me lunch’ than any other toy out there.”

4. “She has 3 daughters and she writes 5 lines a day to each of them. These will be gifts when they get married one day.”

5. “My mom found my book in her local library and I can’t get over how proud she looks.”

6. “For Christmas, my mom got my dog and me matching pajamas.”

7. “I made my son some crib art”

8. “I am lucky to have my mother, otherwise I would be so dirty.”

9. “Dropped in on my kids’ Zoom classes — payback for all the interruptions to my work calls”

10. “My 2-year-old wanted to be a creeper for Halloween...”

11. “I made my son a treehouse bed and painted a mural for him for Christmas. He opened it tonight.”

12. “My mom spent 30 years working in a jewelry store. I needed a new battery in my iPhone.”

“She immediately looked me in the eye and said, ’I got this.’”

13. “This is my cool dad who still lifted me (into adulthood) to put the Xmas star on the tree.”

14. “My dad wrapped the yard tools he got me for Christmas.”

Parents, tell us something wholesome you’ve done for your kid over the past year?

Preview photo credit batata2020514 / Reddit


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