14 People Shared Their Own Recipes of How They’ve Transformed Their Looks

4 hours ago

The heroes of this article decided to change their appearance with the help of cosmetic products and various procedures. For many of them, their daily regime and diet played an important role in this transformation. The results are very interesting, let’s look at them together.

This article is for information only. Consult your doctor before carrying out any procedures.

“I’m 27 years old in the first photo, 31 in the second.”

“I started really focusing on my skin about 4 years ago. So far, these are the treatments/products that I feel have made the biggest improvements to my skin.

Botox — I get 50 units in my forehead and crows feet area 3 times per year. I’ve had deep lines in my forehead since I was a teenager, and this is the only thing that eliminates them completely. Masseter Botox has changed the shape of my jawline in a great way and also treated chronic grinding at night.

Filler — The single best esthetic treatment I’ve had done has been filler under the eyes. I had my lips done for the last time in December 2022, but at the time were a little overfilled. This is where they’ve settled, and I’m happy with how they look currently.

IPL — I have had 4 IPL treatments targeting pigment and then redness. This has made a huge difference in the overall tone of my skin. I used to get so red when it was warm out or at the gym that people asked me if I was okay. I used to fully conceal my cheeks below the apple because the redness was so noticeable even with foundation. I now have only very mild redness during strenuous activity. This treatment has done incredible things for my skin.

RF Microneedling — I’ve had 1 RF Microneedling treatment. While I did see great skin tightening results, it was pretty uncomfortable even with prescription numbing.

Every morning and evening, I cleanse and moisturize my skin. I add an exfoliation step and mask to this routine every Sunday evening.”

“I am 31 years old. My forehead after a month of using vitamin A cream.”

“The only makeup I’m wearing is some mascara and an eyebrow pencil.”

“I’m 37. I don’t use any cleansers, just wash my face with water using a cotton flannel. Sometimes I use a glycolic acid toner. I add rosehip seed oil and anti-aging serum with Agiraline to my moisturizer. I make sure to apply sunscreen.”

“I had virtually no upper lip before this past Friday. I’ve always wanted fuller lips, but fillers terrify me.”

“I had lip flip (lip flip is a non-surgical procedure where a doctor injects botulinum toxin into the corners of the mouth and the edges of the lips). I like the result.

Right now, though, I can’t drink normally from a cup or straw, ha ha. Using a spoon is uncomfortable, as well as brushing my teeth. I can’t purse my lips. But that will go away in a couple of weeks.”

“Last year I focused on my health and skincare. I’m not wearing any makeup here.”

“I have benefited from 4 sessions of CO2 fractional laser to treat my acne scars. It is very effective.

I lost 10 pounds but gained muscle mass. I don’t go out without a hat, I use a protective cream with SPF 50. I also use serums that relieve redness and moisturize my skin.”

These 2 photos were taken 13 weeks apart.

“I’m 25 now, and I’ve had acne since I was 13. I started avoiding things that were too spicy and too sweet. I also found out that I’m allergic to dust mites. And tretinoin (a form of vitamin A) really helps me.”

“I’m 38. I feel great.”

“At 30, due to divorce and stress, I developed acne. But now that I’ve started eating better and following a proper daily routine, my skin has changed.

In the morning, I wash my face with water, apply vitamin C, moisturizing gel, and cream with SPF 30. In the evening, I cleanse my skin with oil, apply cleanser, tretinoin, rosehip seed oil and perform a guasha massage.”

“2 years apart”

“I’ve started drinking more pure water. I’m not sure if it helps my skin, but I take a fiber and probiotic supplement every day.

An example of my morning routine. I cleanse my skin and apply serum and cream. Then sunscreen. And in the evening, I use a product with tretinoin.”

“IPL treatment results”

“I am wearing no makeup in the both photos. The first photo was taken immediately after the IPL. The second photo is 8 days later.”

“Before and after tretinoin”

“At the age of 30 I developed hormonal acne. I have been using tretinoin regularly for about 5 months now. But it is important not to forget to apply sunscreen.”

“About the importance of moisturizing your skin. I want to show my skin before and after my morning routine.”

“Texture is smoothed, lines are lessened, and redness is alleviated. Hydrate your skin, you guys!”

“Skin progress after cutting out niacinamide”

“I saw discussions about skin reactions to niacinamide (a form of vitamin B3). And it can be found in a lot of cosmetic products, so I decided to experiment and give it up completely. It’s been a little over 2 months. I’m stunned to see the difference.”

“I had fillers injected into my lips for the first time. Before and after.”

“The shower filter helped me.”

“I am 49 years old. After installing a shower filter, my persistent cystic acne and rosacea have completely disappeared. I treated my skin for years, but nothing worked.”

And here are some beauty secrets from Kate Winslet. Check them out.

Preview photo credit kaleidodyes / Reddit


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