Having a pet as a child is an unforgettable experience that’s truly one of a kind. Whether it’s a dog, a cat, or any other animal, they become your first companion outside of your family, creating a bond that’s completely unique and irreplaceable.
1. “I got a puppy a few weeks after having a baby, and they are obsessed with each other.”
2. “My brother’s daughter and new puppy are already best buds, they even have matching outfits!”
3. “Adopted our first family puppy today. Found my 2-year-old and the puppy like this.”
4. “Every morning my cat sits patiently next to my toddler while she ’cooks’ him some snacks.”
5. “He is the chillest guy to let my toddler carry him around like this.”
6. “Adorable moment between my son and our cat.”
7. “I’m starting to think that my dog thinks that my baby is actually her baby.”
8. “My toddler and his ’puppy’ Humfee-boof. They’ve been this close since I brought Humphrey home from the shelter 3 years ago.”
9. “Our black cat lets our baby lay on him like a blanket.”
10. “My kitten loves sleeping next to my toddler.”
11. “The way our new dog looks at our toddler is full of love and adoration. So sweet!”
12. “Went upstairs to find my 4-year-old reading to our cat.”
13. “My 3-year-old asked for a kitten for Christmas. They became instant best friends.”
14. “My wife just sent me this picture of our daughter and cat. I’m crying at work!”
15. “Getting my son a kitten was one of the best decisions ever made!”