13 Things That Used to Be Trendy but Have Completely Lost the Hype

Many women know from personal experience that looking young can’t be achieved with fillers. It’s regular self-care and a healthy lifestyle that are responsible for this. Of course, we don’t judge those who turn to plastic surgeons and beauty injections in pursuit of beauty. But with this article we want to show you what effect you can achieve just by doing simple things regularly.
Dear readers! In this article, we’ll show beauties who use retinoids along with other cosmetic products. We would like to warn you that this drug should be prescribed by a doctor. Despite the fact that their use is very common, the drugs of this group have a number of restrictions and contraindications. Please consult a doctor before using them.
«She never used any skin care products, but she avoided the sun like the plague her whole life!»
«I have a scar on my chin from a dog bite. But I’m pleased with what I see in the mirror these days!»
«Actually, I am a sporty person, but a few years ago I had a serious injury. I had to stay in bed and gained weight. Finally, I started training again and now live in harmony with my body.»
«When I was 30, my 2 friends told me that they used tretinoin for beautiful skin, so I started collecting information about it. And then I found a dermatologist who prescribed it to me. Since then, it has always been the foundation of my skin care routine.»
«My plastic surgeon said I’m aging backwards. 11 years ago, I slept 6 hours a day and often didn’t remove my makeup. Now I take care of myself and sleep 9 hours a day. It’s never too late to start loving yourself!»
And sometimes women dare to make a full makeover and become simply unrecognizable. See for yourself.