I would write
How to do Maths
1.Write down the problem
15 People Who Have the Gift of Comedy Running Through Their Veins
In today’s world, humor is a necessity. It gets us to listen, improves our memory retention, and our understanding, it builds trust, and, last but not least — brings us closer together. When we laugh and lift the corners of our mouths, it seems like at that moment in time, nothing can touch us. Pair this with a classic belly laugh, and you’ve got a recipe for happiness.
Bright Side found some people who know how to be humorous, and we wanted to use this to try and make your day.
3. “3 years ago, I saw my first Maserati. So I worked hard, and today I walked into the car dealer to buy one.”
“I got kicked out because I’m broke, so here’s one I found in the parking lot.”
6. “When you’re feeling great but your hotel mirror puts you back in check.”
12. “I needed a good laugh this morning.”
14. “This minivan I found is called Vanny Devito.”
15. “Funny sweatshirt I saw today”
If you could write a message on your sweatshirt, what would you choose? Do you think Batman would ever wear flip-flops, or do you think he’s more of a sandals-and-socks-type of guy? Let us know in the comments.

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