15+ People Who Won’t Forget How Lady Luck Smiled at Them

16 hours ago

It happens that luck seems to be hiding somewhere and then comes at the most unexpected moment. Some people find money under their feet, others meet a stranger who pays their bill at a restaurant. Sometimes fate throws us such surprises that we can’t even believe it.

In the article, images created by artificial intelligence are used.

  • In the 90s, I went with a friend to see the ballet Romeo and Juliet. There were a lot of people and no tickets available. Suddenly, a lady comes up to us and offers 2 tickets at cost price — someone didn’t show up. We take the money out in joy, but at that moment a reseller runs up and... snatches the tickets out of our hands!
    The tickets get torn in half. And then the lady just says that she doesn’t need the money, so we rushed to the control. We were lucky that a strip for control was on our parts of the tickets. © Nik Ka
  • My husband left me for another woman, and I was left practically with nothing. The first month was especially hard. I picked up my daughter from daily care, and we were standing at the bus stop. A man in a long coat comes up and says, “Have a good evening!” — and immediately gets on the bus. I look, and he smiles through the window and points at something under my feet.
    I lower my gaze, and there is a small bouquet in a basket next to me. I thought the man had just forgotten it, but he smiled again and waved. The bus drove off. I picked up the basket and noticed an envelope in the flowers.
    I opened it and inside was a decent amount of money. When my daughter and I got home, I couldn’t understand who this stranger was and why he decided to leave this gift to us. I could understand the flowers, but why money?
    I admit that this money at that moment was very useful to us, but I didn’t dare to spend it for a week. I thought it was originally intended for someone else, but something went wrong.
  • My husband went to lunch with his coworkers. There was a sign on the table in the restaurant that said, “Win a phone.” So, he filled out the form, even though everyone laughed at him.
    A couple of weeks later, my husband got a phone call saying he won an iPhone. He went to the shop and really got a brand-new phone. © Elena Chervyakova / ADME
  • I worked at a shoe store. A mom was telling her son that she couldn’t afford his shoes tonight, but she would have us hold them in hopes she could scrape up the money and come back and pay for them.
    A woman overheard her, and when the mom left, the lady came up to me, “See those shoes on hold? I want to pay for them. Tell the lady when she comes back they’re already paid for.” I said, “Are you sure? They’re $70.”
    She said, “I don’t care how much they are, put them on my ticket.” And she left. The woman came to buy the shoes for her son the next day, and her face when she found out a stranger paid for them was priceless. © Currywursts / Reddit
  • I was at a supplier’s corporate event. The company director came up to me with a new employee and introduced him. Great guy, explained everything about the job clearly and concisely, his diction was like of a TV presenter. Turns out that this was my new personal manager, which pleased me. And when I was alone with the director, I asked him where he found this guy.
    And he replied, “You won’t believe it! My wife and I were buying a cake 2 months ago. So, he explained everything so clearly and competently that even I almost choked on my saliva, although I am not a fan of desserts. The next day, I came back and invited him to work for me. He learnt the material quickly, and sales began to grow steadily. This was a lucky purchase of a cake.” © NeBudite / Pikabu
  • This happened to me a few years ago. My husband is in the navy, and due to deployment missed the birth of our son and would be missing his first Christmas. We had very little money, but I really wanted to decorate the house for Christmas a little and get a tiny tree, I maybe had $40 for both tree and decorations.
    So, I go to a certain home improvement chain store, and unfortunately they started selling their real trees Black Friday, and my husband would be gone by then. I found a worker, explained my situation, and asked if they could possibly sell me one earlier. The lady talks to her manager for a minute, then leads me outside to the locked tree area.
    I ask her which ones were the cheapest, then she told me her manager said to let me have any tree I wanted for free! Because of their kindness, I was able to give my husband an amazing first Christmas with our firstborn. And the look on his face when he walked in and saw everything decked out was absolutely priceless. I will never forget those kind people. © j_platypus / Reddit
  • We’ve all found forgotten money in pockets in our winter clothes. Sometimes the find can be very gratifying, but today I realized that my forgetfulness has reached its limit. When I was sorting out old papers in the nightstand, I found $1,000. I thought I had spent it long ago. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I was buying an expensive camera. I’m standing in the shop, about to pay, and suddenly I hear, “What are you buying here?” I turn round and see a girl in a fairy costume.
    I say, “I’m buying a camera.” She says, “How much is it? I’m a fairy.” I thought it was a joke, but I told her the price. And she nonchalantly says, “That’s great! Our shopping mall is giving you this camera!”
    She told the salesman to put the amount on the mall’s administration account. I thought it was a joke, but no. Indeed, he wrote something down, gave me the receipt and the camera. I looked up and the “fairy” was gone. © Mark Shamer
  • About a week ago in work, a lady came up with a child in a pram, and had about €28-30 of groceries. She put her card in the machine, and it was declined 3 times. She was flustered, but she said she definitely had money in the bank.
    It wasn’t busy, so there was no queue behind her. She asked if she could run to the ATM we had in the shop, I said “of course” and away she ran. She left the child in the pram beside me.
    A woman who was being served at another cash register suddenly came over to my checkout, and stuck her own card in the machine. She insisted I charge her card for the lady’s shopping, so I did. All she said was, “We’ve all been in that spot.”
    Just as the transaction finished, the woman who owned the shopping came jogging back, with €30 cash in her hand, and the woman who had paid just walked out the door without a word. When I told the woman that someone had paid for her, she was in shock. She just stood there in awe at a stranger’s kindness. © Minberg / Reddit
  • I was going through a rough patch in my life. I’d even say complete apathy. Just work, home, child. Almost nothing interested me at that time.
    But I pulled myself together and started looking after myself again, set priorities, discarded everything unnecessary. But I had no idea that soon I would have to go to work abroad, my personal life would start to improve, and I would even have a friend. © Overheard / Ideer
  • My friend was out for dinner with his then girlfriend (now wife) and got chatting to an older couple over dinner. They turned out to get on incredibly well, and were saying that when they were young they’d eat out in restaurants frequently, but since retiring their pensions couldn’t cover the expense as easily as they once could, so now it was an extremely rare occurrence indeed.
    On his way out, my friend, who is by no means a rich guy at all, spoke to one of the waiters to pay off the couple’s current bill. He left a note thanking them for all their advice, etc. then just walked out the restaurant without saying anything to them.
    The only reason I found out was because I was arguing that altruism is a difficult concept to really believe in, and his girlfriend told me the story. Needless to say, my faith in humanity was restored. © Hanshen / Reddit
  • It was winter about 6 years ago. I was going to work. It’s 7 a.m. It’s dark and cold, and I’m terribly sleepy. I queued for the bus and finally sat down and settled down by the window, leaned down and decided to doze off. And then with the corner of my eye I see the hem of a long fur coat next to me and... I fall asleep.
    I open my eyes at my stop and see something shiny on the floor. I look closely — it’s a watch! The woman in the long coat is gone. No one’s there. End of the line. I took the watch with me, just in case. Every day I commute in this bus, and I looked for the coat I remembered in my half-sleep.
    And one day I saw something similar. Immediately I ran through the crowd shouting, “Miss, did you lose anything on the bus the other day?” And she said, “I did. I lost my wristwatch. It’s very precious to me.” If it wasn’t for her long coat, the owner wouldn’t have found her watch. © Romino4ka / Pikabu
  • One day, somewhere in the late 80s, I approached my classmates who were standing on the street in front of the school entrance. We’re standing and chatting. And suddenly I lower my gaze and see a folded banknote under our feet. I pick it up and say to the guys, “Who lost it?”
    No one confessed, because they thought I was making fun of them. I realized the money wasn’t theirs and put it in my pocket. That day I was as happy as an elephant, because such money was huge for me at that time. Many years have passed, but I still don’t understand what it was. © AlexS / ADME
  • The Valentine’s Day before my wedding. A local jewelry store had a giveaway for a pearl necklace. I won and was able to wear it to my wedding a couple of months later. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • I seem to be the luckiest guy out of my group. The internship was offered by chance, but I was the only one who got a great company with a salary. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I married a millionaire, I didn’t know she was rich when we were dating. © Iam_Whysenhymer / Reddit
  • One day I ordered a denim jumpsuit. I received the parcel and decided to try it on properly at home. And what do you think? I found $500 in the pocket. I kept the jumpsuit, it’s lucky. © Overheard / Ideer

And here’s another bunch of stories about people who suddenly got very lucky.


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