14 People Talk About Strange Things That Happened to Them That Can’t Be Logically Explained

We all have come across stereotypes and prejudices regarding appearance, behavior, or social status. Public opinion lives its own life: it’s thanks to it that we often make irrational decisions while trying to build our lives based on it.
Bright Side believes everyone should be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their appearance or the number of zeroes on their bank accounts. With that said, we’ve compiled 15 short stories that can turn your perception of the world upside down.
I was sitting in a VIP lounge at a big bank when an unkempt person walked in: beardy, shaggy, with a tattered jacket that had burnt holes, and worn-out boots... Suddenly, everyone starts to fuss around him, brought him coffee, and invited him to a cabin right away. I only managed to see how he took out a big wad of money wrapped in a dirty plastic bag from his pocket. When he was leaving. I looked closer and realized he was wearing brand clothes that had been worn a lot. I don’t know what kind of person that was, but we definitely shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. © Zabastovka / Pikabu
The company where I work hired a new employee. He’s worked with us for a year, and recently started to complain:
— All the cleaners in our office are rude and don’t know what good manners are: I’ve been greeting them every single day for a year, and they’ve ignored me every time.
— And you never wondered why they never replied to you?
The thing is, our director is a very kind man and employs disabled people. All the cleaners are deaf. We can only greet them by making direct eye contact and nodding. At the same time, they are very nice and smiley women.
My colleague felt ashamed. He went to the shop and bought a chocolate bar for each of them and gave them to the cleaners the next day. You should’ve seen their happy faces and eyes filled with unspeakable gratitude. © drumaha / Pikabu
I’ve been dating a sweet girl for one year. Her height is a bit more than 5 feet, she often wears dresses and likes musicals. One time, I decided to surprise her and visit her home (I had a key to her apartment). When I opened the door, I heard horrible and weird sounds. I got scared, rushed into the room, and saw my sweetheart singing songs along with a rock band. Actually, singing is not the right word, she was growling (Bright Side note: growl or death growl is a vocal technique used by death metal singers.) She was growling so well and scarily that any death metal singer would envy her. All my stereotypes crumbled, and I asked her to let me be the one to sing lullabies to our future kids. © Overheard / Ideer
I was working at a luxury computer equipment store. One time, two ordinary-looking old ladies visited us and bought computers and devices for the amount of my annual salary. I helped them myself and later installed the devices they bought in their homes. It turned out that they’re sisters, teachers of Physics and Math, who earn money by giving private lessons. They gave me all their old devices as a bonus. © KHTN1311 / Pikabu
What curious stereotypes have you come across?