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One famous proverb says that the only pusher of progress is laziness. Still, many scientific discoveries in the world were found not because of laziness, but by accident. One of the best examples is Newton’s apple tree and the law of universal gravitation.
We at Bright Side will dare to claim that those times have changed and it has become much more difficult to make revolutionary discoveries. But happy accidents still help people see the world from a different angle and make life a bit brighter.
We have also prepared a bonus for you where we will show you how one of these “accidents” gave birth to a new type of painting.
In the ’30s of the last century, the Mexican painter David Alfaro Siqueiros discovered a new type of art — accidental painting. The paints that got chaotically mixed stunned not only the artist but also ordinary people with their aesthetics and complexity, achieved with very little effort.
Today “accidental painting” is a separate type of art that is closely connected with fluid dynamics. But even not knowing their laws, one can create incredible patterns from colorful acrylic paints. All you need to have is some inspiration and imagination.
Have happy accidents ever helped you to see usual things from a different angle?