15 Types of Customers That Can Drive Any Service Worker Crazy

3 years ago

The leading lady Penélope Cruz plays in Don’t Tempt Me a waitress in a bar with a lot of customers. The movie used this scenario as an example of the circle of hell. Yes, working with people can be a real trial.

At Bright Side, we’re describing the hardest types of customers. And in some cases, you have to take sedatives after communicating with such people. But we all make mistakes and take on different roles throughout our lifetime. Maybe you’ll recognize some of your friends in these types of customers or maybe even yourself.

A despot

They’re always unhappy. They threaten you with official complaints and say you’ll be fired. It’s best to avoid direct confrontation with them and communicate with them in a rational way.

A deadliner

Some customers want everything to be done as soon as possible. Workers sacrifice their personal time to fulfill these demands, which is not even necessary. Or it turns out that the deadline is actually in a few days. Usually, designers, copywriters, and advertising specialists become the victims of such people.

A know-nothing

This type of customer doesn’t know what they want. They will always ask for something new and will end up leaving without making a purchase.

A know-it-all

Their signature phrase, even if they don’t say it aloud is “I know better.” These customers always tell specialists what they should do and later complain that they didn’t get what they wanted.

A special client

This type always tries to stand out from the crowd and be different from everyone else. For example, in a café, these customers may ask for food that has a strange recipe, and later, they’re unhappy.

A thief

Their motto is “Take as much as you can if it’s free.” These people don’t take a towel on their vacation but will come back home with 2 of them. And they love buffets for obvious reasons.

A late-comer

It’s common courtesy to be on time and not to waste the time of others. However, late-comers are used to being late for things, even school. Nothing changes with age. These people come in late to doctor appointments, haircuts, and even manage to be late to their own weddings.

A chit-chatter

These people are usually friendly, but there’s one problem. When they start talking, they’ll tell the story of their entire life and probably won’t buy anything. You can meet them anywhere, whether it’s a drug store or a supermarket.

A greedy one

They love to say, “Light gains make heavy purses.” And they sincerely can’t understand why they should tip anyone for their service. They’ll even be indignant as to why the price of a service is so high.

A sticky one

They believe that service workers are more like free therapists or consultants. Real estate agents and tourist agency managers suffer from these types of customers the most. If there are no fresh towels in a hotel room, for instance, this demanding person will call you right away, even if it’s 1 a.m.

“I changed my mind.”

Some service workers work on commission, like real estate agents. And it’s a real problem when a customer visits different apartments trying to make a choice but eventually changes their mind.

A silent one

A silent customer may really want to make a purchase but are afraid of sales assistants (or people in general) and are sure that they will make them buy something they don’t want. They usually enter a store not “seeing” sales assistants and leave empty-handed because they can’t choose anything on their own.

“I’ll pay later.”

Some people believe that paying later is normal. What’s interesting is there can be wealthy people among them. Usually, repair workers and furniture makers suffer at the hands of these people.

A free-loader

They won’t miss any promotion. They’ll also buy discounted food, even if they don’t like it. And they ask for additional discounts, even if there’s one already included. They also like to ask for discount cards for their friends when they can just get their own.

An economizer

They seek out prices but not quality. They hunt for promotions and can’t understand why an experienced specialist is more expensive. And after that, they complain that their haircut or manicure wasn’t good enough.

Have you ever encountered such customers? Tell us your stories in the comments below.

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