Is this some horrible parasite? I cannot see how it is from dialysis???
15+ Unusual Pictures That Will Turn You on Your Head and Make You Question Everything You Know
year ago
We all remember those childhood dreams of longing to attend Hogwarts and immerse ourselves in the world of magic. Well, here’s a mind-boggling truth: we have our own real-life magic. It reveals astonishing wonders that leave us in awe, like a squirrel resembling a cat and unearthly alien fungi. Prepare to be spellbound as we uncover the breathtaking marvels that life unveils.
1. “A family friend before his surgery...”
2. “I extracted my and my husband’s brains from MRI images, and he 3D printed them.”
3. “All 4 of my cat’s paws have unique black and pink combinations.”
4. “Found this strange egg in the carton.”
5. “My all black cat had 5 all white kittens.”
6. “My salt lamp leaked and formed square crystals.”
- “Halite is pretty cool, it actually fractures like that naturally.” LookHorror3105 / Reddit
7. “This swan was born with a deformed bill.”
8. “I was born with a rare genetic condition called, Chimerism.”
9. “Found this strange receipt left at the pump while getting gas in Baker, CA.”
- “Those are Unicode symbols. Maybe the pump was hacked or is malfunctioning.” *****byBOOGABOOGA / Reddit
10. “Surprisingly voluminous trash cans in Amsterdam.”
11. “Stretched freckles on an old cut.”
12. “Took this picture right as my mom hit the rough part of the road, and it came out strange.”
13. “This weird lemon that grew on our lemon tree.”

looks like a lemon and a carrot tried to breed together.
14. “I dropped a chip, and it stuck to my shirt in a very unique way.”
15. “This building had strange blue men holding musical instruments stuck to it.”
16. “This weird amalgamated flower grew up in my grandma’s garden.”
17. “This strange fungus that my parents found during their vacation in Hawaii.”
- “Apparently called the ’stinkhorn or starfish’” eppinizer / Reddit
18. “One of my partridge suddenly laid a green egg.”
Who would have thought a cat mother with black fur could give birth to all-white kittens? Life hides miraculous things that are waiting for us to discover. We can even create something extraordinary. And with that, we no longer have to wait for an invitation from Hogwarts!
Preview photo credit Unknown author / Imgur
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Very cool oddities!

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