15+ Cozy Pics That Are Like a Beam of Sunshine in Chilly Weather

year ago

Even on our gloomiest days, we can still find a reason to smile thanks to our loved ones. Family members and friends can create a support system that we all need, according to psychologists. And even if you’re just looking at an adorable picture of a pet or child, it can still lift your mood significantly, as you can feel the warmth of someone’s sincere love, even if it’s through a screen.

1. “My brothers’ and my gift for my parents: A calendar of recreated photos.”

2. “First time talking to my crush VS our wedding day.”

3. “My wee boy was born yesterday and I think I’ve gone through every emotion since!”

4. “She called in backup and the puppy came to her call.”

5. “He’s got a monocle!”

6. “My son had a stowaway when he was packing.”

7. “Took Gramps to dinner. He kept saying he was ’so full.’”

“I asked if he wanted to go to the drive-thru for ice cream, and he said, ’I suppose I could find room.’”

8. “City pup visited the farm and was amazed at the giant dog.”

9. “My big girl is taking care of our foster puppy post-surgery. They just met.”

10. “An entire room filled with toys just out of shot, and this is what they choose, every day. Side note: they don’t use them as intended.”

11. “My big dog and tiny foster kitten adore each other.”

12. “On our way back from vacation. The pups were being so very quiet. Looked back to find them sleeping and cuddling.”

13. “Where did that one year go?”

14. “I’ve only known her for 24 hours and she’s stolen my heart.”

15. “I was trying to get stuff done around the house and he kept crying when I’d walk away. I call it the quiet hood.”

16. “Future sheep protectors on the ranch”

17. “First time cuddling a prairie dog — probably the best moment of my life.”

18. “Boop, little bro”

19. “My beautiful, softhearted son, and puppies”

What makes you feel warm and cozy inside?

Preview photo credit boofsnacks / Reddit


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