people who come to a cafe and stay there even after it's supposed to close are the worst
16 People Honestly Shared What’s Really Happening at Their Workplaces
Internet users decided to share photos of their workplaces: some of them talked about their tips and others — about their “generous” boss. Some of these photos will actually make you want to have a job where you can pet horses or do X-rays of hedgehogs.
We at Bright Side were shocked both by the pleasant aspects of some jobs and some of the difficulties people have to deal with at their workplaces.
1. “I am a mail carrier. These are the pennies I’ve picked up on my route in the past 6 months.”
2. “I know there are a lot of lessons to learn as a small business owner, but this one is cruel.”
3. When you work for a billion-dollar company and the tools you get to do your job with look like this:
4. “Our CEO just bought a huge 4K TV to replace the perfectly fine 1080p TVs that no one ever watches in our break room while nearly our entire staff is so poor we’re all on food stamps, living in friends’ garages, etc.”
5. “What 10 months at a warehouse will do for you”
6. “So this happened at work yesterday.”
7. “We were supposed to close at 10 PM but this happened. The visitors stayed until 11:40 and wanted dessert.”
8. “What a great way to start the morning.”
9. “At work, we’re told to handle our chips like eggs.”
10. “The view as I walk into my night cleaning job”
11. “This set of defective screws from my old job at a furniture manufacturer.”
12. “The vein finder at my job”
13. “Quit restaurants 2 days ago after being a line cook/kitchen manager my whole adult life and got my nails done for the first time ever!”
14. “When the boss decides to say thank you for the millions his employees make for him:”
15. “My husband’s friend works in delivery. The chestnut one ate a dog biscuit, and the white one turned her nose up at them.”
16. “And for your viewing pleasure, here is a hedgehog X-ray. Notice the quills and ears.”
Are there any interesting or unusual things about your job? Tell us about them in the comment section below!
such people really don't think of others -_-
I think the managers should allow the workers to just tell the clients that they need to leave as they are about to close
this is maybe rude but true. Workers are also people...
yeah workers are also humans they need to rest,sleep,eat go home too some people are just selfish