Very sensitive and very kind of the friend's mom.
16 People Who Helped Us Believe in Humanity
We have all been in situations where nothing seemed to be going as planned, and we quickly ended up on the verge of giving up. However, in the midst of those moments, even random and small acts of kindness can make things better and lift our spirits up.
We at Bright Side would like to share a collection of stories from people whose nice gestures made someone’s day a bit brighter and we hope it will make yours better as well.

omgthats so amazing yes please go visit her x

Totally doing that - with the same sorta card - next year for my gran. She recently lost her husband of over 50 years and she is amazing x
Do you have your own story about kindness that you would like to share with us? What recent acts of kindness have you witnessed?
I was returning from an international location back
Home with my 1.5 year old child, my stroller was lost by the airline and my phone got discharged. I was at the airport for 3 hours after arrival trying to locate the stroller when a kind gentlemen’s offered his phone to me to contact some family.

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