16 Stories That Prove Friendship Between Men and Women Can Be Quite Unpredictable

4 months ago

People have been arguing for a long time whether there is friendship between a man and a woman. This question is raised both in books and in movies. Some people believe that one of the friends is bound to fall in love, others argue that you need to see a person’s true self, not their gender. The heroes of this article decided to share stories about female-male friendship.

  • I have 2 male friends. One of them has been my friend for 31 years, the other one for 16 years.
    My first friend, Alex, is like a brother to me. We grew up together, literally we’ve known each other since birth.
    Our mothers met in the maternity hospital, we lay in neighboring cradles and shouted in unison to the delight of the nurses. Alex was crying in a low voice, and I was in a high-pitched voice. Our mothers are still best friends.
    My other friend Al was inherited. He and my older sister were very close friends. When my sister passed away, he became my friend too, taking on the patronage of a lost teenager who was going through a grief.
    And when it became clear that we were serious with my future husband, I introduced him to my brothers, not by blood, but by life. I made it clear that these people were very important to my family and to me. And my husband took our friendship positively and did a very clever thing: he became friends with both of them. Even without me, they get together, help each other with repairs, vegetable garden.
    For so many years of friendship, we have been to each other’s weddings, have given birth to children (I consider their children my nieces and nephews), I am also on good terms with their wives, we are friends as families. I love my brothers. © Lozbenidze / Pikabu
  • One of my closest friends is a girl, I’m a dude. We’ve been pretty tight for about 4 years, especially in the last couple years. It was always just a friendly relationship, totally platonic. Although I will admit that there were times that I considered taking it a step further, but it never felt quite right. I also thought that she was into me, at least for a time.
    2 weeks ago I went out to visit her. We had bought tickets for a Game of Thrones live concert. The second I saw her at the airport, something just clicked in my brain, and suddenly I just needed to be with her. I always thought that on paper we were the perfect couple, but there was no X factor. Now there suddenly was.
    I can’t explain why, it just changed for me. After the trip was over, I got a little buzzed and called her up to tell her how I felt. Turns out I was wrong about her being into me, she doesn’t feel the same way. I’m terrified that this is gonna make our friendship awkward.
    She’s incredibly important to me and I care so much for her. Anyway, the point is that maybe it works for some people, but I don’t know that I can be platonic friends with a woman, at least as long as I’m single. © foxtrot***s / Reddit
  • Let’s start with the fact that I’m happily married. And before marriage, I had a best friend! Even when I was with my ex, and we were fighting, this friend always supported me, calmed me down. He’d go to great lengths for me. I knew he loved me, but we agreed on friendship and nothing more.
    And when my then future husband appeared, he became jealous of my friend, because we could talk about anything until morning. I explained everything to my friend nicely. We said goodbye. It’s been 2 years. We sometimes cross paths, and I want to communicate with him again...
    My husband and I have a great relationship — love, and friendship, and reckless actions. But for some reason I miss that friend. I’m not going to tell my husband about it, I know that he will be jealous, and I myself wouldn’t bear it if he communicated with some other female friend. © Caramel / VK
  • I have 3 very close guy friends. The two of them I find attractive (I even went on a date once with one of them, but it didn’t work out), but the third one... I feel really cool with him! We are not attracted to each other in any way, we slept in the same bed more than once.
    I was very afraid that he would meet a girl who would get jealous of me, and we would stop communicating. So I introduced him to my friend, and I’m going to their wedding this summer. Now it’s even cooler: as soon as one of the couple leaves on a business trip, I come to visit to hang out with the one who stayed behind. © Arivia / Pikabu
  • One of my closest friends is a girl. It’s awesome. With any and all girl problems, I go to her. Immediately. I’ve tried to talk about it with my guy friends, but they usually just say stuff like, “Bro, just go for it,” or “Why the heck are you asking me?”
    But my female friend, she’s a genius at fixing my girl problems. She can pretty much tell me exactly what’s running through the girl’s mind, and how I should react. She’s amazing. She knows girls like the back of her hand, because the back of her hand is literally a girl. Anything at all related to relationships, she’s the one to ask.
    She even helps write my texts sometimes. She’s great. Plus, she’s super chill to talk to. We can talk about literally anything, and I get a girl’s perspective. It’s so great. It took quite a while for it to get like this, though.
    There was a brief 6-month period where I hopelessly pandered after her, getting rejected half a dozen times, getting depressed, and trying again. But thankfully that’s behind us. I’m not into her anymore, and she has a boyfriend she’s really happy with. © Dylan Owens / Quora
  • My best friend is female. I would never do anything with her romantically, why? Because then I risk the chance of losing my best friend.
    Let’s say we become romantically involved. 5 years down the line, life happens, and we decide it’s best to split up. Now I’ve lost a best friend.
    If we do not become romantically involved, the chance of losing my best friend is much lower. We can’t split up since we were never together. We can remain friends for the rest of our lives. Keeping a lover for a lifetime is much more difficult than keeping a friend.
    This is the way I’ve begun treating new females that I really click with. At this time in my life, I value solid friendship much more than a romantic relationship. It’s hard to find good friends, so when I find them, I must keep them as friends. © gnarbee / Reddit
  • I’ve been friends with a girl for 7 years now; she’s my best friend. But when my guy friends find out that I give her gifts, pay the bill when we go out, and so on, they cringe, “How can you pay for a girl who you’re not even in a relationship with? Are you a sucker!”
    It’s just stupid that there are still men out there who think that if you spend resources on a girl, she owes you something in return. I’m really looking forward to when this ends and girls are no longer considered a commodity. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I am a girl who is friends with a male coworker. We have been working together for about 7 years, I like him as a person. We have similar tastes in music, movies, we have similar sense of humor, views. Even our families are similar — we both have younger brothers, divorced parents and weird stepfathers.
    We help each other in our work, we drink tea in the kitchen during breaks, we laugh. I’ve been at his place many times, I know his wife, we socialize with her too. They’ve been together for over 10 years, since the first year of college.
    And they keep gossiping about us at work! They say we’re having an affair. Although I have no romantic feelings for my colleague, our friendship, warm relationship and banter are taken for an affair. They sigh meaningfully when they see us together and giggle.
    And I know for a fact that he loves his wife very much, and there’s nothing between us. I’m annoyed by coworkers who wouldn’t leave us alone. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I stole a friend from my ex-boyfriend. We often hung out together, the friend encouraged him to make the first step toward me. It didn’t work out with my boyfriend, but we couldn’t part with the friend.
    How many times we supported each other, sang songs in the kitchen until morning, with no romance in mind. And then he got together with my best friend, I’m very happy for them, and now I’m waiting for a wedding invitation in the near future. © Dull.Joe / Pikabu
  • Today, I realized that I’ve ruined my best friends’ lives. I’ve always been proud about being the only girl in the company, and always said they are my family. And in the end, none of them have settled their personal lives because they are trying to find someone like me, in short, they are all in love with me.
    One of my friends broke up with the best girl he could find, I can’t even list all her virtues. You can’t find a girl like that these days, but “she’s not like you.” Friendzone is the worst thing a girl can do for someone she feels good about. Seems like we need to end this friendship. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I have a best friend, we have known each other since high school — 16 years now. He went to my wedding, then celebrated my divorce, and was aware of all my suffering over men. I’ve always been aware of his girlfriends, supported him after he broke up with the love of his life.
    We have never even flirted, although we slept in the same bed more than once. He is one of the closest people to me, even though we communicate less now, swallowed by adulthood. © marketoxic / Pikabu
  • We have been friends for 3 years. Yesterday, he called me at 1 a.m., saying he was coming over. I quickly put on nice clothes, did my hair and makeup.
    Imagine how surprised I was when he brought me his cat, saying, “I have no one to leave him with, I urgently need to go on a business trip, you love him, I’ll take him back in a week, here’s money for food.” And then he posted his photos with some bimbo from the beach in Cyprus. Why am I so naive? © Overheard / Ideer
  • I had a childhood friend. We used to visit our grandmothers on holidays together in summer. He was a year younger, but we always played together. We were friends, really good friends. Protecting each other, messing around together.
    Then I helped him with his girlfriends, and he consoled me when my first love betrayed me. We went to the same university, we were friends. We were never in love: I was the only child, he was too, and we treated each other as siblings. He got married first, then I got married, but we were still in touch. He became my son’s godfather.
    And then he got rich, his business took off. And money spoiled him terribly. He bought a fancy house and expensive cars for himself and his wife. His social circle changed, and he told my husband and me directly that we have nothing to do in his circle of friends.
    We have a flat in the mortgage, simple cars... Our friendship had been through a lot, but it didn’t stand the test of money. His wife said she would have communicated with us, but her husband forbade it. And I never saw their son again.
    The other day, I was going through my mother’s old things and found a bag, and there was a piece of paper with a vow of eternal friendship, children’s poems about our friendship. Also photos of us in funny costumes with Mickey Mouse. I cried. I don’t know why this happened this way. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I happen to be the only girl in a group of guys. And whenever we go out to clubs, I act as their “gray cardinal.” I just need 30 minutes on the dance floor to scout the scene and get to know the girls. Then I go back to the guys and report: who is here with her husband, who is “not an option,” and who is pretty.
    This way, I save them from clashes with other guys who came with their girlfriends, and narrow down the choice of who they can safely get acquainted with. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I’m pretty close friends with one of my fiancée’s best friends. My fiancée has actually said, “If I ever die I want you two to be together,” but I just couldn’t ever imagine being with her, and I’m sure she feels the same about me. She’s an awesome person, and she’s attractive, but some people just don’t feel right as anything other than friends, if that makes sense. I would say the chances would depend heavily on the people and what their desires/motives are. © HelpMePeez / Reddit
  • My husband has a female friend. For about 10 years now, for sure. No romance — he’s happily married to me, she’s happily married to her husband. She was a female best man at our wedding. There was a period when I tried to sincerely be friends with her — she’s cool, smart, with a sense of humor.
    But somehow it didn’t work out. Not my type of person. They see each other in person once every 2 months at most, mostly communicate online and send memes to each other. This is really the only example of male-female friendship I’ve seen in my entire life. © user6528021 / Pikabu

Celebrities can also be great friends. And these famous friendships have stood the test of time.

Preview photo credit Overheard / Ideer


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