16 Superb Ideas to Give Your Home New Life

6 years ago

Many people think that the home of their dreams costs a fortune, but that’s not true. Everyone can try to be a designer for a couple of hours and create beautiful things with their own 2 hands. For example, you only need to go for a walk in the forest or park, grab a twig, and make an unusual, nice lamp!

Bright Side has collected some magnificent pictures that will inspire you to make your home unique. Many of the items mentioned in the article can be easily constructed in just one evening.

16. Easy and stylish decor

15. A beautiful lamp or garland can be made from a twig and light bulbs.

14. Create a nice hanger using tape and a wooden plank.

13. To make such seats and a table, you can use wooden shipping crates.

12. Unusual prints created with the help of leaves and twigs

11. With the help of white glue or acrylic lacquer, you can transfer images to wood.

10. A home movie theater made from shipping pallets

9. Acrylic paint turns an ordinary cupboard into a designer piece.

8. A cozy place to enjoy your book

7. Amazing colors

6. An idea for old drawers

5. Another way to use wooden crates

4. Using epoxy resin, create unique lamps.

3. An idea for those who love watercolor patterns

2. An old frame + twigs = a masterpiece

1. Minimalism for those who adore summer

Share some pictures of homemade items you have at home!

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Many of these ideas are really worth trying at home... Especially that acrylic paint decor!


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