16 Times People Have Experienced Great Changes

2 hours ago

We love comparing before and after photos. They often show such a colossal difference that you can’t believe it. The heroes of our article have shared photos exactly like this.

“I’m 54, had a jowls and neck lift.”

“And this is my photo comparison: me in 2020 and me in 2024.”

“I’ve always had sparse eyebrows, I used to do microblading. And then I decided to have an eyebrow transplant.”

“18-32. Went from hating and neglecting myself to loving and nurturing myself.”

“I had a few beauty treatments, started taking care of my skin at home, and started taking care of my health and diet. My result in 7 months.”

“Me at 25 and at 39”

“Decided I was done continuing to gain and eating junk. Now I’m doing a cycling race!”

Had rhinoplasty, eyebrow transplant and lift, fillers, corrected teeth. Changed my hairstyle and makeup. 2.5 years between the photos.”

“That’s how I’ve changed in 4 years.”

“This is me at 21 and 31. The only treatments I’ve had are lip fillers and some Botox in my forehead.”

“I got a deep plane face and neck lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, brow lift, CO2 laser under the eyes and facial fat transfer. I still feel swollen, but facial lymphatic drainage massage is really helping.”

“Lost 150 pounds.”

“Lost 125 pounds and started gaining plant-based muscle.”

“Xeomin brow lift before and after”

“Here are my results from 3 sessions of PRF under eyes.”

“Me at 16 and 21. I lost 25 pounds, but it’s crazy how much my side profile has changed.”

And here are some before and after photos that show the power of time.


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