17 Hilarious Photos Showing What Happens When People With a Sense of Humor Get Ahold of a Camera

Since childhood, we’ve learned that saving money and spending reasonably can help us cope with financial problems in future. But the saying, “Buy cheap, buy twice,” is still very true. There are certain items that you definitely shouldn’t save on.
At Bright Side, we put together stories from people who know this notion to be true. And as it turns out, we often make mistakes by saving on some seemingly simple things.
This art piece she made using acrylic paint markers
Amazing to see just how much technique and products matter!
Tampon manufacturers warn women that tampon use is associated with toxic shock syndrome, a serious and sometimes deadly disease.
This hair dryer melts its own casing.
In your opinion, which items should you not try to save on? Tell us in the comments below.