17 Men Who Discovered Love’s Unpredictable Nature

month ago

Love is not an easy thing. Many men dream of finding their one and only, but this path can be thorny. Sometimes you have to break up, but other times everything ends well. And some people also get a cool story for their future grandchildren.

  • After the divorce in my forties, I was alone. I also lived in the middle of nowhere. How could I not despair? So, I gave up, and focused on my own happiness and growth.
    But one day I met a nice lady at a party. We had a chat, and that was it. Then we met at another event, and I forgot to ask for her number again. I thought about her almost every day.
    And then, when I decided to tell my acquaintances about it, it turned out that I was too late, because this beauty first asked them for my number! We’ve been together ever since. © Bimlouhay83 / Reddit
  • I met a girl. And about a month later, my friend also told me about his new date. We all got to know each other, started hanging out together. We went camping, to restaurants, for walks and spent almost every weekend either at our place or theirs. Everything was fine for a year and a half, until my girlfriend and I had a conversation.
    It turned out that she liked my friend, and she lost interest in me. We broke up. The interesting thing is that all this time I liked my friend’s girlfriend. Suddenly, our friends call us to talk.
    It turned out that they have a situation completely similar to ours, and they were also on the verge of breaking up. That’s how we switched pairs. We still continue to hang out together, and everyone is happy. © Overheard / Ideer
  • Went on a date with a girl. It happened that her eyebrows were “washed away” by the rain. But she was nice and interesting to talk to. We spent half an hour together, and I tried not to pay attention to the lack of her eyebrows.
    But when she looked at herself on the phone, she noticed the “missing” thing... and ran away! I never got a chance to tell her that I didn’t care about her eyebrows. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • My wife died. At her funeral, I met a woman who was burying her husband. We got to talking, cried on each other’s shoulder. Somehow we continued to communicate.
    2 months later, we were sitting together in a restaurant and I realized that I had fallen in love with her. 6 months later, we got married. Now we have 2 little boys and are expecting our third child. We love each other very much and there are no secrets between us. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I put in work so that I could look better, aka started working out at the gym. That led to raised confidence. Then I put in work on dating sites trying to get past the women that give 1–3 responses then ghost. I probably spent an hour or 2 every night on it for a bit before I even got to anything resembling getting a date.
    Went on a couple first dates that didn’t go well, had a short relationship with a crazy chick. Then I met my now-wife. We just clicked and I haven’t looked back. But I really did put in work to find her. © Beep_Boop_Beepity / Reddit
  • On a dating app, one beauty captivated me with her smile and dreamy eyes. I liked her in the hope that she would reciprocate. So she wrote me first!
    We chatted, I asked her out, she agreed. I already visualized our family, children, love. But then suddenly, half an hour later, she starts begging me for money, because she has nothing to pay for utilities. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • I decided to play the numbers game and refused to be put in the friend zone. After lots of random online failed dating attempts, met one girl outside of online stuff.
    At first, they wanted to be friends, but I said, “I don’t need any more friends, either we date or part ways.” She couldn’t let me go, so we dated, and the rest is history. Pro tip, don’t take on more friends, be clear about what you want in life and they will come. © jeffd5 / Reddit
  • After another breakup, I decided to give up on love. I started focusing on myself and my community. I got my house in order shortly, but felt a hole in my life that only female companionship could fill. I started dating again, but really tried to make clear where I was in my life.
    And then I met an old friend. We never really got to know each other because she and I were in a relationship. And now it turns out we’re perfect for each other. I fell in love for real. We’re both surprised that things worked out so easily for us. © thewongtrain / Reddit
  • Wanted to propose to my girlfriend in a restaurant. The waiter put the ring into a drink and brought it to her as a compliment from the restaurant. The girl noticed the ring and started yelling, “Are you kidding me? The diamond is tiny! Is it even real?”
    Instead of an engagement, we had a breakup. The waitress came up to support me after that scene. We got to talking, she gave me her number. For 6 months, I got over the breakup, and then I decided to call her.
    Movies, dates. Our romance developed very quickly. I bought her a silver engagement ring. She’d said many times that she only wanted to wear silver on her body.
    And we pawned the previous ring with a diamond, and we flew to Paris with this money. I am happy that this is how my fate turned out. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • Lived with a girl for 3 years. She was wonderful: beautiful, intelligent, gentle, and she was a great cook. I thought we were meant for each other. But I was wrong.
    She gave birth to a son, and a year later she left for Italy with a new husband. My son is being raised by her parents. They forbid me to see him. I couldn’t go on living in my hometown, so I left and started all over again.
    I opened a business, and in 3 months it was already generating income. I was hiring a manager, looked through a lot of CVs, and then suddenly I found my love. Both love and manager in one person. Now I have everything: a wife, a job, money. We are expecting a daughter. © Work Stories / VK
  • I used to date a lot of girls who couldn’t write and talk without mistakes. It was always annoying, I dumped them, telling them about it. And then I met a girl online.
    She wrote long sentences. Not a single grammatical error! I insisted on meeting her. A lush, moderately tall girl with green-brown eyes and blonde hair.
    I fell in love with her after a few words. As it later turned out, she’s an aspiring writer. My writer. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I met a girl at a vegetarian cafe. I liked her so much that I pretended to be a vegan. We started dating. I put up with the taste of grass for her.
    When the time came to move in together, I had to admit I was a meat eater. I couldn’t hide it anymore. And she started laughing.
    Then she took me to the fridge, opened the freezer, and there were meat, sausages, cheese, minced meat. The things she’d hidden from me. All this year, she’s been pretending to be vegan for me, too. We are definitely meant to be together. © Not everyone will understand / VK
  • In my youth, I was passionately in love with a charming girl. When I first stepped into her home, I was stunned.
    There were pictures of her everywhere: on the walls, on pieces of furniture, everywhere. No family pictures, no pictures with friends or pets, nothing but her. At that moment I realized, the Earth revolves not around the Sun, but around her. © Ward #6 / VK
  • In high school, I dated a girl. She broke up with me but decided to “friendzone” me, which made me feel like I was attached to her for a long time. Then I was mostly alone, only having casual flings. I got so used to it that I accepted it.
    But once accidentally I saw a post from my former coworker online that she got divorced. Everyone convinced me to write to her. Before I knew it, this beauty asked me out. We’ve been together for 6 years now. © izwald88 / Reddit
  • After my last high school ex broke up with me, I didn’t worry about dating. When I was 18, almost 19, I went to a concert for one of my favorite bands. I was standing in line about 90 minutes before doors opened just doing a crossword puzzle from one of the local papers.
    As I was doing so, there was this voice that said, “Are you in line for the concert?” I looked up, and here was this beautiful girl with the prettiest eyes, curly brown hair, a few piercings, and a cute little smile. I said yes, I was, and strikes up a conversation with her. Next thing you know, we are laughing, joking, and then enjoying the concert together. When the concert ended, we agreed to stay in contact despite living four hours apart.
    2 days later, I confessed I want to meet up again, but as a date. 5 days later, we met up again in her hometown for our first date. Almost 4 months after that, we moved in together. Now, 22 years later, we may both be 40, but we are still those two 18-year-olds at heart who love life and each other. © ForeverIdiosyncratic / Reddit
  • I’m in a cafe and see a guy proposing to a girl. He pulls out a ring, gets down on one knee. Suddenly, her phone rings. She looks at the screen, apologizes and walks away, leaving him with the ring in his hands. The guy is in complete shock.
    About 10 minutes later, the girl comes back and sits back down at the table as if nothing happened. The guy just hides the ring and says, “Shall we order dessert?” What was it all about anyway? © Ward 6 / VK
  • I liked a girl from university, I decided to ask her out. And she rudely refused. So, I came up with a revenge plan.
    I found her mother on social media and sent her the screenshot of our text messages. And what do you think? Her mom turned out to be as rude as her daughter, and also called me bad words. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. © Not everyone will understand / VK

Do you want to know more about serial daters? Check out this article.

Preview photo credit Ward 6 / VK


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