Artemis and Luna! I guess they reincarnated and are finding a new Owner.
17 Photos From the Participants of the “Shoulder Cat” Challenge
“If there’s a Puss in Boots, why shouldn’t there be a Shoulder Puss?”, Internet users thought, and began training their pets, starting a big challenge. But we all know that you can’t make a cat do something against its will. So, not everyone can claim victory.
At Bright Side, we decided to repeat this challenge with our cats, but we only managed to laugh and take comical photos, very much like the pictures in this article. At the end, you’ll find a bonus: other animals also participated in the challenge.
1. “My dreams of having a shoulder cat have come true.”
2. “Two shoulders, two kittens”
3. “Shoulder cat will be fun, they said.”
4. Travellers
5. Almost
6. “Here’s my toothless one-eyed shoulder cat.”
7. “I see your shoulder cat and raise you a head cat.”
8. “Here we are.”
9. “Are we still doing shoulder cats?”
10. “I was told that shoulder cats are trending today.”
11. “I went to the shelter to look at dogs, they didn’t have any there, but once this little girl saw me, she started pawing at her cage. Now I have a new forever friend.”
12. “My shoulder cat”
13. Sailor Moon’s been looking for these two.
14. “Behold the glorious whiskers of the shoulder cat.”
15. “I couldn’t resist and Photoshopped this photo. It was just too perfect!”
16. “Shoulder cats are cool and all, but what about pocket cats?”
17. The Catman
Bonus: Owners of other animals decided to show their shoulder pets too.
“Does shoulder duck make the cut?”
“I see your shoulder cats, is it too late for a shoulder baby opossum?”
“Big dogs can be shoulder dogs too. Meet Ruka.”
“I give you Azu, the shoulder snake.”
“I see your shoulder cat and raise you a shoulder rooster.”
“What about a mouse?”
Do you have a shoulder cat? Share its photo in the comments below.
ur not alone..
If it makes you feel better, you could volunteer at a local shelter and take the dogs on a walk a few times a week :)
No.15 and 17 are just too awesome
I don't have a forever friend either 😔
I really love the ones where the cats sit on the heads 😂 I wonder if it's heavy on your head
I would really not enjoy having my cat sit on my head :D sounds annoying and knowing my cats, they would never give up.. you put them off your lap and they just instantly come back
My cat isn't a shouder one but he does something kinda similar... when you sit in the couch in front of the tv he will get behind you and push his head against yours to get attention :D
Two shoulder kitties...

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