18 Photos That Prove a Short Haircut Can Transform You in a Jiffy

Girls stuff
5 years ago

If you want to change something, you don’t have to change your whole life. Sometimes you just need to modify your look. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to visit a hairdresser and get a new haircut.

Bright Side hopes these 18 people who got rid of long hair and changed their look drastically will inspire you.

18. “I chopped it all off.”

17. “Turned 30. Feels like a new era in my life, so I needed new hair! Asked my stylist to chop it all off. Still not used to seeing myself in the mirror!”

16. “Did a big chop today to get my own hair color back. I was a bit scared to do it since I’ve never had my hair this short, but I’m not even mad.”

15. “Finally bit the bullet and got a pixie!”

14. “I finally cut my hair after 19 years of long hair!”

13. “Finally cut my hair short again after growing it out for 2 years!”

12. “I’ve been dreaming of a pixie for years and finally jumped today! Ruby Rose was my inspiration. Love it!”

11. “I posted my short hair yesterday, and a few people asked for a before and after photo.”

10. “Thank you so much for the hair advice! Decided to go short and I’m loving it. Here’s my before and after photo!”

9. “My friend cut her long hair and put it in a jar.”

8. “Took me 3 chops, but I was finally brave enough to get it as short as I’ve always wanted.”

7. “It’s the shortest it’s ever been. Still getting used to it.”

6. “Before and after”

5. “My fiancée opted for a completely new look and she’s amazing!”

4. “Decided to go for the big chop and let go of my damaged hair!”

3.“A little bit of a haircut and some questions regarding hair care.”

2. “Opinions, please.”

1. “Posted my girlfriend here a few days ago and a lot of people requested a before and after pic! So here you go!”

Have you ever experimented this way? Share your experience please!

Preview photo credit BallisticBovine / reddit


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Love #1 and #3. Looks really good on girls! It's a bit too short for me and maybe I wouldn't dare to get such a short one myself, but I just love how it looks on other people.


i had short haircut when i was a kid. when i got older i want to try it again because ive been having long hair for years but was afraid it might not look good on me anymore. last year i finally made a brave decision, i had a very short haircut and I LOVE IT! it's been a year already and i still have short hair, been trying different short haircut styles. i cant see myself having long hair anymore. i love short haircut!!! so for those who are scared to try it, well just do it. it will grow back anyway so be brave and cut it!!!


I have always been courageous in life with my hairstyles , whether brunette, blonde, redhead or even black, I tried all colors. I had it very long, shoulder-length, chin-length, bob, short and Pixie. The bravest was from very long to the Pixie. I remember when I was at the hairdresser's and wanted to have her cut it, my hairdresser refused to cut it so short, she said I would certainly regret it and she did not want to be blamed. So her boss came and cut the pixie. When he was done, all the hairdressers in the salon came and were unanimously excited, and most of all me. At that time I was brunette and we added some blond strands, it was the best haircut I ever had and the one I had worn the longest.

Only one did not like it: my then friend. He was one of those who insisted a woman must have long hair. But even at that time I had my own opinion and I didn't care much. Since I am the one who has to run around all day with the hairstyle, I am the first to feel good.


I would love to say something to the haircuts, maybe some of the girls who don't dare to cut them see it with different eyes:

#1: You can't really look at her and say she looks better with long hair. This adorable face has to be seen and that's only possible with the pixie. She looks fancy and fashionable, what you can't say with the long "mane".

#2: The long hair is OK, but she looks younger and fresher with the short hair. I personally don't like the black lipstick, I think it's a bit too hard, but the short hair makes her more interesting.

#3: What a gorgeous face with the short hair. The long hair makes her neck way too long, it looks kind of weird.

#4: Even if the hair wasn't damaged, she looks like her own mother with the long hair. The pixie makes her look sweet and fresh.

#5: With the short hair she looks like the much younger sister. Not even a different color could change anything with that long hair style.

#6: Well, on this one I have to admit, she looks lovely with both haircuts, but more interesting and "cooler" with the super short pixie. She also has the head shape for this style, that's just for this one important.

#7: The short haircut looks way better, she looks slimmer in the face and not so old fashioned. What I would advise her, however, would be smaller glasses, she would make the face even more delicate and would not emphasize the nose like that.

#8: Here is the same "problem" with the glasses being to big and not a good choice of color to that short haircut. I would put some blond strands in the hair to freshen them up, but in the short cut style.

#9: With those long hair she looks boring and old fashioned like millions of other girls, nothing outstanding. The short hair makes her look cute and the glasses are just tolerable at size.

#10: YES, very good choice of the short haircut, you don't have to discuss that, just look at her. The glasses go perfect in color and size, she looks adorable.

#11: The short hair looks well-groomed and fits better with her face shape. She looks younger and fresher, but actually I would even cut it a little bit shorter.

#12: Good that she made her dream come true, the longer hair didn't look that bad, but the pixie is fancy and cheeky, makes her look so adventurous.

#13: She looks unkempt and meaningless with her long hair. The glasses are too big for the narrow face and the nose piercing emphasizes the already not exactly small nose. With the short hair she is hardly recognizable, although it's the same glasses, but the eye-catcher is now the great haircut and overall neat appearance. Also a blessing that she took out the nose piercing. It is almost the best example of all what a good haircut can do to a person.

#14: She couldn't have done anything better than to cut off those way too long hair. She looked like a school girl who just didn't know what to do with her hair. Too bad that she did not take the picture 'afterwards' with glasses, I would have liked to see one. But she looks happier and fresher with the short haircut.

#15: This was the picture I was looking at the longest and still am not really 100% sure if I'm right, the pictures are a little too closed ups. Maybe if you see that girl in total figure you would come to another decision. Okay, you can't oversee that she's overweighted, but she has a lovely face. The way she is wearing her "long haircut" does look ’poufy’, but I personally think the 'afro-look' is also too much, eventhough it's at least better than the long hair. I think she should wear her hair not so much out of her face and most of all get rid of these dark oversized glasses. She needs a relatively delicate frame, for my sake quietly colored, but never black. It is the wrong way to hide the overweight.

#16: The long haircut again unkempt and meaningless, no flair in the hairstyle and makes the face narrow and "heavy". With the short hair she almost looks like a different person, fresh and "funny". But she could have left that nose piercing away, she's not 15 anymore.

#17: You don't have any reason to be mad, you look 100 times better with the short hair, much fresher, much healthier, better teint, younger. Please don't let them grow back again.

#18: 100% improvement with the short hair. With the long hair you look like millions of other girls, boring and older than you probably are. If I were you, I would wait a little bit till you get used to the short hair and maybe you even have the brave to cut off a little bit more.

#19: "I chopped it all off" - what a good idea!! I don't know if I saw your pictures on 2 different pages if I had recognized you as the same person. You have a real cute face that doesn't have to be hidden behind long hair and that's why the short hair ist absolutely right for you. You seem to be a real "redhead" and the few highlights in the brighter color look magical. Your hairdresser did a great job.


Of course it's always people's own taste and this (long ;-) ) comment is just my opinion, but sometimes other minds suddenly see things that you didn't see before.


And if you make a "mistake", don't forget it's not for good, hair grows back. Have a nice day....


Well from my experience, short hair babes look so blossoms, awesome and cute, but normally comes with slightly long neck.


Women with masculine traits really shouldn't chop it all off... some here look just like men/boys. Unless that's the goal, don't do it, you'll regret it, as I did. Women with very delicate and feminine faces can do it without fear.


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