18 Stories About Friends Who Turned Out to Be Hidden Villains

3 months ago

Sometimes people keep being friends for years or even decades, and then something happens, and they stop communicating for good. Internet users told us about their friends, whose actions made them think whether they had been friends at all.

  • I had a close childhood friend who was like a sister to me. Everything changed after she got married. She and her husband started their own business, and it quickly went uphill. They bought a summer house in a picturesque suburb.
    One summer I came there to spend a week outside the city. We agreed in advance, the friend didn’t mind, even sounded very pleased. I brought a big bag of groceries and barbecue, of course. The friend was very busy with her garden.
    First, she asked me to entertain her 3 children so they wouldn’t get bored while she was working. Then she asked me to cook lunch and dinner for all of them. They’re busy, they work, they have no time. Apparently I’m the one with plenty of free time, as I’m on holiday.
    It was like that every day. That week really wore me out. But that’s okay, I’m always happy to help a friend. But suddenly she stopped calling me for some reason. I contacted her myself and asked:
    “What’s wrong?”
    Her answer killed me: “You’ve got a lot of nerve. My husband and I didn’t expect this from you. You lived like in a palace on everything set for you for a week, and didn’t pay us a penny for it.”
    Of course, our relationship ended after that. © Vilena / Dzen
  • The conflict with my friend started a long time ago, but the cherry on the cake was my birthday party. She came uninvited and gave me an envelope.
    And a week later, she called me, “Don’t you want to give me my money back?” I was stunned. I asked her what money. She said, “Well, I gave you an envelope on the 22nd of November, it was a loan.”
    I got dressed, put the money in the same envelope, went to her work, put it on the table and left silently. I blocked her on both my husband’s and my phone. © A delicate matter / Dzen
  • We were friends since the 8th grade. We moved to different cities, but often called each other, talked for hours. And once on my birthday, she texted me. Something like, “How long should I wait for you?”
    Turns out, I was supposed to call her so that she could wish me a happy birthday. I started analyzing our friendship and realized I was always the first one to call, but she never called me. She didn’t think it was worth it to waste the minutes of her plan on me. I stopped communicating with her. © Zhora Majora / Dzen
  • I had a friend, Ellen. We became friends when we were in our thirties. Both unmarried at that time, I’m divorced, and Ellen was never married. And then one day, she abruptly cut off communication.
    Fate brought us back together about 15 years later. Ellen finally explained herself. She met a guy and for some reason decided that I would steal him away from her. Even though he and I didn’t even know each other. © UMZ.gaz / Dzen
  • I decided to hook my female friend up with an old male friend. I am married, just gave birth, and my husband is often away on business trips. I started to invite them to visit together, allegedly by chance.
    And then my friend texts my husband that I’m cheating on him. I asked her why. And she says, “You live so well, you have a good husband, and a friend runs to you at your first call.” Well, he was running to see you! So, she’s not my friend anymore. © my life / Dzen
  • My friend stopped communicating with me when I had a baby. She said it wouldn’t be fun for us anymore. All right, I got over it. The child grew up, and my friend immediately showed up.
    She started inviting me to clubs and cafés. At first, I refused under various pretexts, but then decided that she was an okay companion to go out to a club. We started to communicate, but I didn’t let her close to me.
    Then my friend got pregnant. She was very surprised when I stopped talking to her. I reminded her of what she’d done. And she pretended she didn’t know what I meant. © Zhuja Lapteva / Dzen
  • We became friends in college. We worked together, lived in the dormitory together, got married, named our daughters after each other, had family gatherings on all holidays, our husbands were friends.
    After 10 years, I got divorced and got a job at another firm. We saw each other less often. She always said that I had a good figure and beautiful eyes, that she always dreamed to look like me. I got her a job at my firm, and then it started.
    She refused to go on business trips because she’s a mother, even though I also have 2 children. But I always had to travel, there was no one for me to rely on. She got offended, didn’t say hello, didn’t talk when men consulted with me, not with her. The last straw was one incident.
    We agreed to meet at the bus stop and go to the office together. There were no mobile phones yet, I waited for her for about 20 minutes and left alone. I get to the office, and she jumps out of the boss’s car and yells, “How much longer do I have to wait for you?” That was the end of it.
    Then she quit, she didn’t fit in, and I felt free and easy. No more friends. © Nadezhda Nadezhda / Dzen
  • My friend didn’t invite me to her wedding. It turned out I was an old acquaintance to her. She shared a photo of the engagement ring on social media, and I got excited and asked her when the wedding was. I let her know that I would be able to come over.
    I was told the wedding was a formality without young people. Well, okay. Later I found out that there were only young people. © Veronica / Dzen
  • A friend invited me to her wedding as her best mate, and my boyfriend was away. I politely refused. I said that I would be glad to come as a guest, but not as the best mate. We talked, I suggested a common friend (she is cheerful and energetic).
    But the bride replied, “The toastmaster told me that the witness should be my shadow and not overshadow me, I immediately thought about you!” Thank you. At first, I thought I’d show her who was whose shadow. But in the end, I didn’t go at all, as I wasn’t invited as a guest. © Ficus in Focus / Dzen
  • I had a friend at work. One day they announced that the company was closing down. I’m a designer, so I started looking for a job.
    She sends me a text saying, “Make a CV for me.” I don’t reply. New message, “I’ve made my CV myself, edit it.” I don’t reply. “I went to these 2 companies for interviews, which one would be better for me?” I don’t reply.
    “I don’t want to work from 9 to 5. Think up a job for me with a free schedule.” I don’t reply. “Listen, I’ve invented a business, you’ll work, and I’ll find clients for you.” I don’t reply. “Why are you silent?” We’re not friends anymore. © Katie / Dzen
  • I had a friend too, we’d been through a lot together. For 6 months we discussed how I would come to visit her. Right before departure, I call her to say when to meet me, and it turns out that she flew to the sea. She didn’t even tell me, it was spontaneous.
    And I imagined how I would be standing in a strange city, at the railway station... I felt sick about it. She could at least apologize and explain herself. No, she sent me crying emojis and that was it. I don’t have a friend anymore. © Only plaids, and not only / Dzen
  • I had a classmate. I got in touch with her myself after many years, asked how things were going. We talked, she asked me to recommend her as a good English tutor. In case someone asked me. I agreed.
    A few months go by. All of a sudden, someone starts calling me at 6 a.m. They tell me someone’s name and ask me what I think of this person. And I don’t know this name.
    Then it turned out that this same classmate changed her name, and they asked about her. I then texted to my “friend” to sort out her problems and not to call me in the morning, as I have a child. © Olga V. / Dzen
  • My friend and I have been together all our lives. And the other day she said, “You’ve lived enough with your man, give him to my friend. She wants to be with him. She’s decent, she’s been living alone for years, she wants to live with a man.”
    She said this to me a few times. I put up with it, then I couldn’t take it anymore. I answered her rudely and told her not to ask again. I don’t want to be friends with her anymore. © Dzen
  • On my wedding day, my friend was late for 4.5 hours because she had to go shopping and to the hairdresser. She couldn’t choose another day for this, of course. After that, our communication very quickly came to naught. © Tatiana / Dzen
  • My mum has a friend. My mum lived alone in a 2-bedroom flat at that time. She let this friend live with her, because she and her daughter bought a flat in another city and temporarily lived in our city in a studio apartment, which was too small for the two of them. My mum is a kind soul, of course she didn’t take money from her friend, even for utilities.
    That woman lived there for free for 6 months, her daughter came to our flat to visit her mother. Mum complained that she no longer felt at home. I offered to kick her out. Mum felt sorry for the woman. But her patience ran out one day, so I asked her friend to leave.
    A year later, this friend showed up, asking my mum for money. She said she needed to buy a kitchen for the new flat. Mum said no, she had money on deposit. So, the friend offered to withdraw the money. Yeah, right away. © Tatiana Shkurina / Dzen
  • I was organizing my shoes and found 2 pairs of boots, I had worn them a couple of times and decided to give them to my friend’s daughter. They suited her and she liked them. The friend called, thanked me very much and said that she saved a tidy sum because of this.
    A couple of days later, she calls me and says that she is going to the wholesale warehouse tomorrow to buy tea and coffee for the office. She suggests buying something for me as it is cheaper. I refused, but she insisted.
    The next day we meet after work, we go to a café, she takes out 2 packs of coffee and says, “You owe me this money.” I almost fell off my chair, but I calmly gave her the money. © Natalia Borisova / Dzen
  • We had been friends since high school, a group of 4 people. Then one friend gave birth. We supported her, helped her. Supported after the first divorce. After the second divorce, our husbands even helped to transport her things.
    And then the third wedding. No celebration, just a registration and a get-together at their house. She had a birthday in a month. We were discussing something in the chatroom and suddenly this friend took offense and started ignoring everyone.
    We’ve been ringing her phone for a week. In response, she said some excuses, like I have a mortgage, I’m nervous, it’s hard for me to communicate with you. Then she just removed herself from all chatrooms and continued ignoring us.
    After 5 months, before the birthday of another friend of ours, she suddenly calls me and as if nothing happened starts talking about life and children. Asked me to add her share of money for the gift, said she will definitely come.
    It’s the birthday day, we’re waiting, and she doesn’t show up. We try to call her — she doesn’t answer the phone. After that, we stopped trying to get in touch with her. © Evgeniya Beloshkova / ADME
  • When I was young, I was into friendship with all my guts. There were 2 close friends. But then, as it turned out, one of them took my jewelry, my college notes, my money. And she always asked for my clothes. But she was always fun and not boring.
    And with the other one we had a closer relationship, we could share the most intimate things. But she didn’t even invite me to her wedding. Now I have no friends. © Svetlana BMV / ADME

If you want to avoid a toxic friendship, check out these 13 signs.


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