20+ Photos Show That Old Things Can Live On If We Take Good Care of Them

2 years ago

Most of us have a couple of boxes sitting in the attic that we never even considered opening up, or we have simply forgotten about them. But you never know what you might find hidden there.

We at Bright Side stumbled upon images that people shared from their discoveries, and we were surprised at how captivating antiques can be.

1. “Was clearing out my late Grandad’s house and came across this.”

2. “An old, metal, pocket-sized grocery list!”

3. “My dad and me vs me and my daughter, same bike roughly 27 years apart ”

4. “I found these pair of cool rings in a local forest, in Romania, using a metal detector and they were pretty deep in the dirt. They look very old.”

5. “1910 Tiffany desk pieces. Bronze and abalone.”

6. “The Lenox Spice Village. My grandmother bought this for me 30 years ago and it has been in my parents storage shed until now.”

7. “The first gift my great-grandfather purchased for my great-grandmother nearly 100 years ago.”

8. “I need to replace some of the leather stitching on the handle, but it’s otherwise in impeccable shape and I use it often!”

9. “Vendo 44 vending machine from the ’50s. The smallest machine that vendo ever made.”

10.“It’s been in my family for a very long time.”

11. “1870s Victorian mirror meant to sit over a mantel. It’s difficult to tell from the picture but it’s about 6ft tall and 4.5ft wide.”

12. " It’s not labeled, but I think the reproducer plays 3 minutes. It’s a late cylinder model (1908-1910). "

13. “One of a pair of Cloisonné urns I recently acquired”

14. " Grandpa still uses a decades-old computer that still runs DOS. He still types, prints, and stores things on floppies. "

15. “I purchased this Edwardian dress yesterday. It’s just too stunning.”

16. “French sentimental ring, made from the hair of a loved one”

17. “Chinese camphor chest from the 1920s”

18. “I’ve been cleaning up the cauldron I found buried in my forest.”

19. “Shell made some good-looking oil cans about 100 years ago.”

20. " My grandfather’s Ford Model A."

21. They might have a new dog, but their iconic car stayed with them.

22. " The signature is unclear, but it looks like a portrait of William St. Clair. "

23. “I got gifted this figural clock.”

24. An amazing retro tricycle.

25. “I was left this very old cash register by my late Papa.”

26. “Old Italian antique iron with a special symbol on it, Romulus and Remus ”

27. “Here’s my uranium glass collection that glows in the dark.”

28. “Winnie the Pooh, 1926. First edition, first printing. I don’t dabble in 20th century acquisitions that often, but I do make exceptions.”

29. “Awesome piece of history saved from the landfill tonight. An early 1920s pack of paper towels and pre-soaped towels for washing.”

Have you ever inherited, found, or bought any antique objects? Which one is the most interesting of the ones you own?

Preview photo credit BoosterSqueak / Reddit


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