19 Cats Who Found the Most Special Spots for Ultimate Relaxation

4 years ago

Felines are elusive and agile — almost everyone knows that. However, some tend to pick random places to hang out or even take a short nap. Because of this, they confuse their owners who can’t react in any other way but by taking a photo of these eccentric, adorable pets and sharing them with everyone on the Internet.

Bright Side assembled a “photo album” of cats who discovered their favorite spots to chill and relax in, even if they’re incredibly unconventional.

1. “I haven’t completely finished this TV cat bed but Frodo already loves it!”

2. “Thweet dreamth!”

3. “My sewing machine’s new attachment”

4. “Luca!”

5. “This is Perry — he’s not too bright.”

6. “My cat chilling in a box”

7. “My supervisor, always watching...”

8. “Mochi stole my husband.”

9. “The woke eyes”

10. “This is Dude. His favorite activities include lounging in sinks and abiding.”

11. “My wife Pilar and Blanca the cat, chilling”

12. “This is Noah!”

13. “The small one likes being the big spoon.”

14. “This little baby is Nala and she’s 4 weeks old. I’m feeding her because her proper mom rejected her and is focusing on the 5 other kittens. She loves playing and sleeping on me.”

15. “I’m teaching her JavaScript...”

16. “One couch isn’t enough. She needs 2!”

17. “You’re the Trixie to my Katya.”

18. “Queen of the Xbox: Nova”

19. “He was so tired that he curled up in a ball.”

Has your cat ever slept or taken over a somewhat strange place? Were you able to capture that moment in a photo? Tell us in the comment section, and don’t forget to share your pics and stories with us!


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I agree :D Those kind of pets are the best to have because it's always interesting with them.. never a dull moment!


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